Thursday, April 26, 2007

Brew City Bears Blame Game Begins

How interesting it is that after I resigned my position as Secretary (one I was not elected to but was asked to fill because of another resignation) that now I am blamed for the alleged gross mismanagement of its leaders for the impending demise of the club. Out of the kindness of my heart I even wrote a letter suggesting a way to get new members and let people know that they still existed. Essentially I suggested that they have a social night at one of the local watering holes and talk up the club as a social organization to drum up new members. This was met with resounding negative remarks. "That won't work. Nobody wants to do that." best of all they said that no one would participate. How pathetic.

Guys if you don't try, nothing is going to happen. For Pete's sake take Responsibility for what is happening.

This is one of the biggest problems in our society. No one wants to take responsibility for the mess they've gotten themselves into. It is much easier to seek out a scapegoat to blame all their problems on. It is the selfish "Me" attitude and the "I don't want to get involved" Let Joe do it that is the problem. Let us not forget "The Devil made me do it." In my opinion, pure horse dung.

Oh, by the way, what goes around comes around and it did. Don't think for one minute that I don't know what is happening out there. They don't call me The Hawk for nothing.


Anonymous said...

As of 08/21/08 Looks like the club website has disappeared. Is the Club next, if it hasn't already succumbed.

I have stated as a former member that the club needed to do Fund Raisers and Social events and not be just a club for meetings and then dinning out.

This club used to be 35+ Members strong. What happened to it?
The club used to do membership drives, and the club used to host after hours bar parties at Si's Clubhouse.

Guess when you become morbidly obese as a majority of the last 5-6
members are/were you lack energiy to do anything, including invest in your clubs future.

It's funny how these members had coupons for every restaurant between here and Door County and knew exactly what exits to use to get to said restaurants.

That being said I guess I am glad the club has folded. Maybe someone with a set of balls will start a new Milw Bear Club and keep it for bears/admireres, but have limitations as to weight (Girth and Myrth).

Anonymous said...

Wow Brew City Bears never ceases to amaze, their Halloween contest at HArbor room, guess what only brew city bears members won cash prizes...... People who donated won their own prizes back.... All I have to say is very disfunctional. Brew city bear members since they hosted this, should not have won any of the prizes - This being said, you are a very poor representation of a bear club. No other club or club member has ever done this, nor should this be allowed by any host. This is one of the reasons your membership is where it is at 5 members plus partners? Your club is a very exclusive club catoring only to your members and very un-welcoming to the rest of the community at large. As a current title holder of 2 Bear titles, and a former Mr. Bear Pride, I am very disgusted by the way your club behaves. Perhaps you should travel a bit and see how other clubs function. I have traveled extensively and again no bear club I have seen functions or in your case dis-functions the way you do.

Anonymous said...

I have been a follower of the old Brew City Bears but lived over 340 miles away. I was eager to support any Bear Club, yet it seemed that Milwaukee failed to support their own by allowing pettiness over some personality conflicts result in whining insults.
This last entry went so far as to sling mud at a club yet did not approach the officers with concerns.
Even bragged how he was the holder of 2 bear titles plus Mr. Bear Pride yet would not contribute his status to bolster his local, neighborhood Club. It actually sounds like a sore loser who wanted a standing ovation.
Sitting on your ass to watch a club suffer and flounder is what a homophobe would enjoy doing.
If a club needs guidance, it should have been offered. At least that is what a true bear would have done; not some Sash Queen.
The club did not fold because of dysfunction; it folded from indifference.

It is even sadder that lame justifications calling for the formation of a replacement club to Brew City Bears resulted in a 'facebook club' that fell face first into the dirt and died instantly once it's Grand Poobah ran off. The remaining members could not keep a nose running let alone the club.
I am convinced that more interest in Milwaukee clubs come from admirers outside the city: Milwaukee is incapable of supporting their own.
Without the support of others Milwaukee will soon see the death of Milwaukee Pride.

p.s. Mr. Bear Pride Chicago folded because of corruption in their Treasury. Not a sash to be proud of. IMHO