Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm back

After being out of work stuck at home since last October my doctor just released me so now I'm back and will be covering events as they happen in our community. A couple of discs in my neck went bad and I had temporarily lost feeling in my left hand and left foot and some in my right hand and right foot which is now all but disappeared. You can't imagine how pinched nerves in your spinal column can mess you up. Now everything is back to normal I've gained a lot of my strength back minus a few creaks and groans that is inevitable as we grow older. You can bet I will be a pridefest taking pictures and covering the general shindig. With the weather gradually getting warmer, mom nature hopefully cooperating and giving us good weather should be a very enjoyable time.

I've been on pridefest mailing list and it looks to me like instead of fireworks we will instead have entertainment from a troop out West comprising tricks involving fire which, correct me if I'm wrong may have been inspired by the annual gathering at Burning Man in the desert. Another change is that the mass commitment ceremony has now morphed into a ceremony honoring each other. Religious officials I am told will still be offering private commitment ceremonies. And I'm sure that private church ceremonies can be arranged through various religious organizations who have booths at pridefest. Beyond that there will be lots of entertainment things to do with the kids lots of vendors, good stuff to eat, plenty of libation, lots of people and lots of fun.

Well I guess that's about it for now, so keep tuned and if anything pops up I'll let you know.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Milwaukee LGB T. Center panics

Just a note for curiosity sake the swine flu scare has not only affected Milwaukee public schools but also our LGB T. Community Center. On May 2 apparently somebody got sick and they all panicked. The police and paramedics were called and the center was closed for the evening just in case it might be the flu. So for all those of you who had some sort of meeting at the community center I guess you would say it was just a false alarm.
In case you don't know or haven't seen the news CDC has issued a statement concerning the swine flu indicating that the current strain is a mild one similar to the flu strains that we normally see during flu season. They still are however studying the current strain and preparing vaccines for the fall just in case it comes back with a vengeance. Just remember to frequently wash your hands and if at all possible use a hand sanitizer just to be on the safe side. Try to stay away from anyone who may be coughing or exhibits any type of flu like symptoms. Cover your mouth and if you must cough and you don't have many tissue instead of coughing into your hand you should use the inside of your elbow instead. And of course if you don't have to go out or be in large crowds don't. Instead of going to the movies or to a show rent a flick, pop some popcorn and enjoy.
Y'all keep healthy, you hear?