Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Comments about the current minutes
Catalyst Committee Meeting Minutes*** Friday November 16th, 2008
Held at: The Milwaukee Gay Arts Center
Present: Maggi Cage, Craig Bodoh, Jane Ottow, Alen Wells Phd, Maria Cadenas, Joe Pabst, Joel Rittle, Wendy Woodruff, Kate Sherry
Agenda: Shepard Express Proposal ~ An LGBT section in the Shepard Express
Craig Bodoh outlined his meeting with the Shepard Express staff and the positive reception he received. The Shepard Express is willing to include an LGBT section in their paper the third week of each month. The Shepard Express selected Charles Grosz to write the column. Articles of interest should be sent to him via email at CGGrosz@aol.com
There will also be advertising space available.
Are we getting one page or what?
Those present expressed support of this new development and concerns regarding how this will impact Q Life: specifically their advertising section. One option, presented by Maggi Cage, is to offer advertisement in both Q Life and The Shepard Express for one fee. Further discussion will be needed.
Offer advertisement in both Q-life and Shepherd Express for one fee. Specifically who's advertisements? Shepherd Expresses or Q-Life? this means that the Shepherd will steal advertisers away from Q-life making it even harder for them to generate advertising revenue thereby staying alive. Correct me if I am wrong.
Who is going to pick up Q-life is the same news is in the Shepherd? I can't believe that this will not hurt the Q-Life or any other gay newspaper.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Silence is defening
Next I sent several emails to the director of the LGBT center which were returned as undeliverable even though I got the address from the Visioning Project email list. Seems interesting that their emails get through but mine don't. I guess this is another example of the non-responsiveness of our so-called community leaders.
It makes me wonder if they think that they are better than us? Well I have news for them. We chose you to represent us and you are responsible to answer our needs. You are not above us. You work for us. We hired you and we can also fire you if you don't respond to us. You need us if you want to keep your jobs. Remember that we can always get someone else. You need us, we don't need you.
I hope to see a lot of people at the meeting at the Gay Arts Center on the 21st at 9 am. Like Stonewall, Im pissed and I'm not going to take it any more. How about you?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My 2 cents by TC
MY 2¢ Worth
Well, where do I start?
The whole fracas currently going on about the so – called "Visioning" project and their undercover attempts to "Mainstream" the LGBT… community press has me thinking…Could all these attempts at "Mainstreaming" the LGBT… community really be nothing more than an attempt by the more affluent part of our LGBT… community to show how much they envy the strait "Mainstream"? … Really – I mean…
Any 1st grader knows that the only way to gain approval is through conformity. You see it in the playgrounds everyday. One kid, who is thought to be cool, has everyone else trying to emulate them. They try to dress like them, talk like them, and even behave like them. – All in an attempt to be considered part of the "cool majority".
By the same token, there are kids who could never fit into the so – called "ideal" and are considered outcasts. There is little, if any, chance that they will fit in with the others.
The outcasts are the most desperate ones. They want to be just like the majority of the kids who are considered cool and, therefore, acceptable.
Now, whether they’re right or wrong, the majority is perceived as being the only desirable state of being. Anything less (Or, for that matter, different) is not worthy of consideration.
I think it’s time to look at the whole thing from a psychological standpoint.
Although there are always going to be certain "Advantages" to being in a conformed group, there are also sacrifices that people make to be included in same – said group. Most of it is the ability to identify those parts of an individual that are, well, individual.
If I wanted to be "Just like everyone else", I would have married a woman, had children, joined the Republican (or any other political) party, gotten a job in my dream career.
For those who know me, this is a far cry from my "Reality" In short, I would have given up everything that I am and stand for to be "Just like everyone else" I am not now, nor will I ever be.
There is a group that "raises money" for the LGBT… community. They obviously, by their actions over the years, are embarrassed to be who they are. Everything they do is an attempt to "fit in" with the greater community (Please insert the word "strait", if you must) at large.
Not only are they in denial of their uniqueness, but they are shoving that denial down the throats of the rest of us.
Sure, my life would be a whole lot different if I could "Marry my partner". I could have shared his health care during a time when I was discovering several breakdowns in my body. Do I feel the exchanging of vows in a church is the only way to do this? Not by a long shot!
Along the same lines, I DO NOT NEED to have an overpriced festival to share my so called "uniqueness" and, even if I did, I DO NOT NEED TO HAVE IT on the expensive park by the lake. Furthermore, I would not have to show it by going on a 3 day drunk, - Just like the thousands upon thousands of other festival goers do.
I share my uniqueness with everyone I meet or have contact with everyday.
It has been said that conformity is a crutch for the weak… and I agree! For all those who spend their efforts into conforming and being "just like everyone else" are losing who they really are.
All that I am, the good, the bad, and the ugly, have been formed by all my experiences.
I have survived bar politics, Leather club in – fights, and even the birth, maturing, and death of a social club in this town. I will still be going strong in the future no matter what may come my way because I know I am fine just as I am. I am not the majority, nor would I want to be.
I can not give up any aspect of myself. It’s just a price I am not willing to pay.
The queer folks at Stonewall felt the same way and they took a stand. They got tired of being harassed for being different. They refused to cave in to pressure to "Be like everyone else" and they refused to deny their inner selves for conformity’s sake.
It’s time we do the same.
Responses to tcbearcub@yahoo.com please put "My 2 cents" in the subject line or I may not see it.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Urgent update on the state of the Visioning Project
I assume she wanted to feel me out to find out how I would respond to what she had to say.
I did find this out the Visioning project blog. Interesting as the last minutes were posted 11 months ago. Not very good record keeping if you ask me. That was January 2007 and it is now December. Lots of blank space.
Another very valid question I would like to ask as she said that the Shepherd was not going to charge to put a section (I read that as more than one page) in their paper. Lets see that's 75000 copies which translates into how many more pages. Who is going to pay for this extra space and paper) ? I'm not stupid. Somebody has to pay. Who?
OK they have no minutes, No Bylaws, no Standard Operating procedures, no elections and no grievance policy. Every volunteer organization usually has them. How come they don't? I certainly can't believe that they have no expenses whatsoever. Then how do they finance the projects they do?
Check out the blog for yourself. It is quite interesting.
Who is going to pay for the Gay News in the Shepherd Express?
And here are some more.
- Who started the Visioning Project and Why?
- Who did this person approach to join this project? And Why?
- Why don't they take minuets?
- Why is there such an underhanded attempt at non-disclosure?
- Who was the one appointed to contact the Shepherd Express and negotiate a contract with them? Who precisely are they claiming to represent and who gave them the authority to do so? Why wasn't anybody told about it?
- Most importantly, where is the money coming from?
Why do so many people not know about this organization which is supposedly acting in our best interest? If they are, why haven't they ever asked for our input?
I'll tell you what, I'm going to demand an independent audit because I want to know where all the money is going and why they are keeping everything secret. Besides, who gave them the authority to represent us? I sure didn't. Did you?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
A View on the Shepherd Express/Visioning Project
Below is the view from Mr Neil Andrew. Thanks Neil. Right on. You coulden't have said it any better.
Dear Visionaries:
Having recently read the article posted at http://garysdish.blogspot.com regarding the incorporation of Gay and Lesbian Community print media news into the Shepard Express I have a few thoughts that I think would be best expressed on this issue.
I hold to the position that I am in direct opposition to any involvement on the part of the Lesbian and Gay community to attempt to create a monthly forum in the Shepherd Express because doing so would, in my opinion, divide the community along loyalty lines much like it did, in those historic days, when Milwaukee received the majority of its GLBTIQ news from two competing papers. People either read and supported one or the other, but in very few cases, did they support both effectively enough to keep them in print.
In addition to the fact that as history shows our city cannot seem to sustain or support multiple newspapers there is a secondary issue present that I fear is being forgotten by each and every one of you. To put it simple the Shepherd Express is principally a heterosexual newspaper whose primary purpose is to focus its storylines on the needs and interests of the vast majority of its readers who are also primarily heterosexual in their lifestyles and viewpoints.
This fact should, if it has not already done so, raise concerns in the hearts and minds of all of you as there exists a likelihood that the Shepherd Express would ever become the only clearly visible voice of GLBTIQ news in the Metropolitan Milwaukee is theoretically likely as support for the existing paper would be impacted negatively. Given this and the additional fact that there simply is no “set in stone” guarantee that the Shepherd Express would not at some point eventually relent to any pressure from those in our society who, because of homophobia, would seek to totally eradicate our visibility in media I feel that on this issue you are not acting in the best interests of the community you claim to represent.
The Visioning Project and all of its members, without exception, should be ashamed of themselves for not speaking out in defense of the rights and liberties enshrined in the Constitution. Our democratic republic was after all founded by visionaries who in many cases gave their lives to preserve the voice of the minority opinion which fashioned the very fabric on which our flag is flown today.
Silencing our voices in the name of protecting the profitable interests of the private sector fails to service the need for a public independent news outlet that consistently promotes our diverse culture as opposed to allowing ourselves to be morphed into nothing more than a segment of society worthy of an occasional honorable mention in a print section permitting us to express our simple views.
For this reason, I encourage everyone who is opposed to this initiative to act now, and in good conscience contact the Shepherd Express as listed below:
Ms. Lisa Kaiser, Editor - in - Chief
207 E. Buffalo St. Ste. 410
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone Number : 414-276-2222
Website: http://www.shepherd-express.com
The Rev. Neil Andrew, O.M.S.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Something stinks about the Shepherd Express deal and the Visioning Project
Did you also know that they don't take any notes when they meet? Did you also know that they do not have any Web Address, Yahoo Group or Web Page? Seems a little strange, don't you think? Sounds to me like we have a Secret Organization in our midst that very few people even know about.
This whole cabal that is in the works between the Visioning Project and Shepherd Express to present our Gay News (a straight paper mind you) will ultimately undermine and even put the gay newspapers being published out of business. Have they made any effort to work with them? They say they did, but don't you believe it. It was a half hearted effort at best and I bet bottom dollar that Pride Fest is somehow involved in this. What better way to get back at or punish Q-Life for not publishing the Pride Guide? Quest will be affected by this too. Bank on it. You do know that once they get their foot in the door with the Shepherd Express that they will probably publish the guide in their newspaper leaving our newspapers out in the cold. Oh and how about advertising? Their rates are so high most gay business can't afford it. How do you think it will affect their bottom line or their business?
Do you think that this deal should go through? ABSOLUTELY NOT What I want you to do is call the Shepherd Express and tell them to keep their noses out of our gay lives. We don't need them and we don't want them period. Sure they will tell us that a gay person will be writing articles, but how long will that last and some straight person starts doing it? I don't even want to think about that one.
I think we need to tell them this really sucks. the sooner the better. Unless they come up with a Non-Competition Agreement protecting the gay papers already in existence, I am totally against it.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Visioning Project and Shepherd Express
These are people who are supposed to be leaders in our community. Many of them are but I wonder why they didn't first ask for public opinion concerning their intentions instead of going behind our backs. Pretty sneaky if you ask me.
Personally I prefer a queer newspaper for LGBT people, written by gay people. Not some mainstream straight newspaper writing about us. It is a fact that straights have stolen our favorite bars and even ruined one of our cherished events, Halloween. We should not allow then to steal our news too. I'm sorry but I can not support any organization, no matter how noble their intentions to sabotage our newspapers. We don't need more competition. What we need is for all of us to support our LGBT businesses. I don't like it and neither should you.
What we should do is let them know how we feel at the next meeting at the Gay Arts Center on December 21st at 9:00 am. Tell them its a rotten idea. I plan to.
Please leave a comment one way or another.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Another missed opportunity for the LGBT Community
Come on guys and girls you gotta do a better Job of planning. Q-Life should have been notified a long time ago so that they could have gotten it in the community events, Quest deadline is past also. I hope other people read this in time to participate. Contact one of the organizations if you plan to bring something (especially Sage as I believe that they are coordinating the food). This would be great for the Hit Bowlers who are away for the holidays and don't plan to attend the awards banquet.
November 24 - Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner, SAGE/Milwaukee, Milwaukee LGBT Community Center, Project Q, Lesbian Alliance, Black and White Men Together, Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, and Brew City Bears invite you all to a potluck dinner on Saturday, November 24 from 4:30pm to 7:30pm at the Plymouth Church, 2717 E. Hampshire on Milwaukee's east side. Doors open at 4:30pm and dinner is served at 5:30 pm. Bring an appetizer if your last name begins with A-G, a side dish if it begins with H-M, a dessert if it begins with N-T or a salad/bread/rolls if it begins with U-Z. Please call SAGE/Milwaukee at 414-224-0517 to confirm your attendance so we know how many dishes to buy. Volunteers are needed for setup and cleanup!!!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The continuing saga with David Bodoh
Monday, October 22, 2007
Some comments about the Community Breakfast
Way to go Carmen
Just an FYI.
Maria Cadenas
Executive Director
Cream City Foundation
759 N. Milwaukee Street, Suite 212
Milwaukee , WI 53202
Proud member of Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee and Leave a Legacy
From: Carmen Murguia [mailto:murguia66@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 11:47 AM
To: Visioning Project
Subject: RE: Community Breakfast Oct. 27th
In the future, can you please hold this event at a different location than the lgbt center where we have always had it b/c if it is about the entire lgbt community and for the entire lgbt community, it would be nice for it to be at a neutral place. gracias, Carmen a. Murguia
From: director@creamcityfoundation.org
To: murguia66@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 18:02:03 -0400
Subject: Community Breakfast Oct. 27th
Greater Milwaukee Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Visioning Project
Join us and learn what is happening in the LGBT community
WHEN: Saturday, October 27th (Food & Registration @ 9am, Discussion @ 10am)
LOCATION: Milwaukee LGBT Community Center , 315 W. Court Street
TOPIC: Open dialogue about the need to recognize the similarities between movements (race, class, gender, LGBT). Join us in this discussion as we think of ways to work with and address the overlap between all our identities as LGBT people.
SHARE: Bring your event, ideas, and other information to share at the Round Robin that closes the event.
BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Greater Milwaukee Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Visioning Project
FUNDED BY: Cream City Foundation, Cream City Foundation's Joseph R. Pabst LGBT Infrastructure Fund
The Greater Milwaukee Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Project gets all its emails from personal sign up sheets distributed at sponsored events by any of our member groups. Please keep in mind that the Visioning Project is a joint venture of multiple organizations and community leaders including but not limited to: Children's Service Society of Wisconsin, Cream City Foundation, Lesbian Alliance, Milwaukee Gay Arts Center , Milwaukee LGBT Community Center , Queer Program, SAGE/Milwaukee, and The Counseling Center of Milwaukee.
Our mailing address is:
Cream City Foundation
759 N. Milwaukee Street
Suite 212
Milwaukee , WI 53202
Our telephone:
Copyright (C) 2007 Cream City Foundation All rights reserved.
Forward this email to a friend
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
What Do You Believe?

The First Unitarian Society is presenting a series of Sermons entitled "What Do You Believe?"
So far there have been two sermons. The first one was about what we believe or don't. Some people ask just what is a Unitarian and what actually do they believe? Our response is that you are not required to believe anything, that is your choice. You can believe in God or not. You can believe in Jesus or not. You can be an Atheist or an agnostic, a Pagan or Buddhist or Transcendentalist, or whatever suits your fancy. Whatever works for you. Of course someone said "I really like you Unitarians, you don't believe in a damn thing."
The second in the series was What is the meaning of life?
Sept. 23 "What happens when we die?"
Sept. 30 "Why do bad things happen?'
Oct. 7 "How do we know right from wrong?'
Oct 14 "Where are we headed?'
Oct. 21 "How do we live?'
Come join us at the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee
at the corner of Astor and Ogden
Services on Sunday are at 8:45 am, 11 am and 5 pm
We are a welcoming congregation to all LGBTQ people.
Try us, I know you'll like us. A really refreshing change from the rest of organized religion.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My Last Comments on Milw Metropolitan Community Church
If they want to survive they must complete the Healing Process
As usual Murphy's Law took effect. No matter how plainly you write or at what level someone will misunderstand it. Over thirty years of Customer Relations and direct contact with customers one thing is certain, they only hear what they want to hear (or read what they want to read) and miss the point entirely. This I think is the case with MMCC when it comes to the healing process.
The healing process follows several steps. The first is the initial shock of an unexpected event for example the sudden death of someone we love or is close to us. We cry and shed tears and grieve over their unexpected passing. Then we celebrate their passing into a supposed better place, Summerland or Heaven or wherever. The next phase is the letting go. Usually this is a gradual process and as memories fade we get on with our lives.
Some people have a hard time letting go and it takes an abnormally long time to do so. Sometimes they just can't and this is where the problem lies with The Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church. They haven't been able or willing to complete the healing process and get on with life. This along with numerous problems is what is stifling any progress they are trying to make. It is my humble opinion that they must complete the healing process if they ever intend to survive. This is the reason I became disenchanted and left. I was elevated to a position where I had the power to initiate change in a progressive and positive way, but this was not to be.
I gave them ample chances to create dialogue by phone, email, and even face to face but they did not do so. For this reason I have come to the conclusion that the minister has no conflict resolution experience and has not taken a positive leadership position in order to resolve the preexisting problems that continue to plague the church. It makes me wonder if she considers this just another job or what?
In the mean time it is my hope that they take these thoughts to heed these suggestions. Otherwise I don't think they will survive. There are many people I will dearly miss and some I won't. In the meantime I have moved on. Back to my UU roots.
Anyone want to join me?
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Did you see MMCC's website?

Wonderful Image by the way, Blue hair and all. Actually it is not really Blue, its because they don't know how to adjust the image so that the background doesn't blend into the hair. Although I will admit it would be interesting and somewhat progressive. C'est la vie.
"I am excited about the opportunity to serve the MMCC congregation and the larger Milwaukee community,” Rev. Woodruff said. “My passion is outreach to those who are on the edges of society: the elderly, young Queer folk, people who are differently-abled -- anyone who struggles to be an active, accepted part of society. Christ calls us to reach out to those on the edges and to care for the stranger.”
Don't you mean the Mentally, Spiritually, and Physically messed up? After all those are the only ones who seem to want to walk into the door.
Bulletins Anyone?
Another thing is that they are offering to email the current Bulletin to those wishing to subscribe. The problem I have is that the site is not encrypted. Any information you enter on the form can be harvested by any spammer. Not only that, why do they need your phone number before they email the bulletin out? There are two problems with this. One is that they are harvesting names and information similar to the phishing schemes currently plaguing the Internet and I believe not exactly the most legal thing to do. The other problem concerns the press or other service wishing to obtain legitimate information. Seems to me like they are screening the applicants so that only approved people receive their bulletin. Kinda strange, don't you think? Makes you wonder what they have to hide. Hypocrisy reigns supreme at MMCC seems to me.
More about my reasons for leaving
The other thing that really bothers me is the fact that after I resigned no one so far has ever tried to find out the reasons why. Considering that I was once a Deacon. Only one person called accusing me of attacking them (something that escapes me) and then threatening me to boot after I mentioned in passing that there were still things relating to the late Mr Broyles on the site. I would think that he would be smarter than that, college education and all. These people really need to get a life.
My great disappointment
I was for a time a Deacon but stepped aside because of the feeling that some were becoming Elitist snobs. This I thought would level the playing field somewhat. Obviously not. Later I met with the minister who indicated that she would like to have me take a greater roll in the church. Again all talk and no action. It has been well over three years since the passing of Lew. I thought it was about time that we got on with life and get past the grieving process so I decided to prod therm along a little bit. Scanning down in my blog the result is only too clear. So I decided it was about time I exited stage left and head for greener pastures.
Will I ever be back. That is highly doubtful. Do I think that this church is doomed like Angels of Hope? I guess we will have to wait and see.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Angels of Hope Bites the Dust or Not?
One question I have is if she is resigning as minister and going into hospice care, does that mean that as I interpret it according to the By-Laws of the UFMCC that she is giving up her ministry credentials too? According to the way I read it if you don't have a church to minister to for a certain period of time or you resign then you forfeit your credentials. Correct me if I am wrong.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thank you to several of my friends
Thank you for the inclusion. I also read a bit of the blog. up to the two priests at the river. I won't bother to go any further because you have now done what I did 22 years ago. That is telling the organization to go away. You and I can no longer be hypocritical enough to be associated with an organized church community. They will continue to hold to roots of formation that impede any growth in the spirit. May you live on in spiritual growth.
Jeff Hicks, Milw., WI.
Thank you Jeff, a close friend in leather. Thank you Sir, may I have another, and a Stonewall Veteran.
Dear Gary:
Thank you for your willingness to share in the recent hardships which you appear to be experiencing because of your choice to separate formally from your former Church family.
I praise you for your courage and your fortitude to be, in the midst of it all, a fountain of truth and courage for the greater Milwaukee Metropolitan area.
You have always been a genuine seeker of Universal Truth in spite of the oppression you have faced in this World of Temporality .
Now that you will have more time on Sundays, perhaps you will be able to be a more active part of the Enlightened Eye Mediation Network
Know that you have my complete support as you continue to expose organized Faith Based Societies to the reality the our Mother, the Earth is no longer resonating with restrictive historic interpretations of sectarianism.
Thank you for supporting the journalistic effort of The Enlightened Eye Meditation Network by linking to the In Praise of the Planet News Service.
I am confident that through this experience you will grow closer still, to your Divine purpose, and realize that this process of separation from your previous congregational life will lead you toward a greater understanding of all that your self appointed higher calling holds in store for you.
If you need anything feel free to let me know!
Your Friend,
The Rev. Andrew, O.M.S.
Enlightened Eye Meditation Network
Remember as the old saying goes "Religion may be hazardous to your health"
Saturday, August 25, 2007
MMCC coverup or what?
Here is what was requested;
Yes please tell us the real reason. There are after all three (3) music directors and no one was specifically named.
I invite any and all to contact the Pastor at Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church and inquire about what is really going on at this email address MMCC Pastor Wendy
Just so that you know that anything sent via the internet can be intercepted and is not private unless it is encrypted. If it were, that would make me even more suspicious. All the more reason to wonder what you have to hide.
The Truth shall prevail
Another one bites the dust MMCC
Prior to his passing however Lew elevated a group of us to Deacon status in order to serve the church in his absence until a permanent pastor could be hired to fill the position. We fully expected that the transition would go smoothly but this was not to be because of this unfortunate passing. The church struggled through a interim minister and finally to the current pastor.
One of the problems was and still is the inability to let go of the memory of Mr Broyles. Fully recognizing this fact several years later I wrote the following letter which I present below. It being my intention to poke and prod them as I sometimes do in order to speed the process along. Obviously they missed the point entirely.
Every chance we get we refer to him, we compare him and we talk about him as though he never left. Its been several years and we still haven't let go of him. He exists on the both of the Church's web sites. We even buried him under a tree hoping that he would miraculously spring to life and walk into the front door of the church as if nothing ever happened.
Might I remind you that no one since Christ has ever risen from the dead. Not since his death over two thousand years ago or since.
This reminds me of a story of two Buddhist Priests who were about to cross a stream. On the bank was a person of lower class (untouchable) who was unable to walk or cross the stream. In India Buddhist Priests or anyone for that matter were not allowed to even touch such outcasts. Instead the Priest picked up the stranger and proceeded to carry him across the stream. When he got to the other side he set him down and proceeded along the road as if nothing ever happened. Astonished the other priest asked the one why he had done that? The Priest looked at him and asked why the other was still holding the outcast?
I ask the same question. Why are we still holding Lew? If we are ever to grow and advance we must let go. The sooner that is done the better.
And the response from the Senior Deacon;
If everyone is still holding on to Lew, perhaps it's because they're not ready to let go yet. Grieving takes people different lengths of time; and he was, after all, a formative personality in the life of our church and community. Perhaps the best way to let go of him is to try to fill his big footsteps--by being bigger people ourselves.
And from the Music Director;
My response after prayerful consideration;
To: Name withheld, Board of Directors
After much prayerful reflection, sadly given the current circumstances, the question of the status of my conduct has come into question. The result of such accusations and threats appears to promote the potential for investigation, therefore be it known effective immediately that this notice serves as my formal resignation, complete departure from continued involvement, service, relationship and support of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church as of the date provided.
You are hereby instructed to remove my name from the membership roster of the church.
I also instruct The Treasurer to provide my final accounting of my tithing as of this date to the below listed address.
That's it, I'm done.
More juicy tidbits may be forthcoming.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Bodoh Busted an update
Excuse me while I take the Devil's Advocate view here. This is by no means an endorsement of his actions, so don't get all bent out of shape. There is a bit of irony to this story. Many of us use the Internet to meet people and interact with them on a regular basis. This is where trouble lurks. Many of us create an on-line persona quite different from our own. We become more beautiful with better self images than what we see in reality. Some of us even like to play games where we change genders and age becoming much younger than we actually are. A very dangerous thing to do which could lead to a whole lot of trouble if one is not careful. Many of use aren't, and we get caught.
Then again there are those who create these persona's to entice young people into their good graces and ultimately into their web of deceit. Myself not being a psychologist have no idea what motivates someone to want to have sex with children or anyone who is under age no matter how they look. Other than the sex starved little urchins who prowl the streets and back alleys looking for sex for hire, I confess that I don't understand the motivation behind it all.
The moral of the story is to be careful out there. Things aren't always what they seem. Be careful who you meet and never go alone to meet them. Always meet in a public place and always let a friend know what you are doing and plan to call them to let them know you are OK. Let them know when you are finished and are heading home, them call them when you are back and safe.
Lastly the hearing has been postponed until August 30Th. Keep tuned and I will post the results as soon as I hear them. In the meantime, Be careful out there.
Monday, July 16, 2007
The most famous word in the english language -- Fu*k
Click on the link to hear the clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7rWLzloOI
Enjoy and get a good laugh. I did.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Personal Agendas abound Collaboration or Collusion? Inquiring minds want to know?
Please note the following meeting which will explore how all of us can participate
Equally in the Sunday services
On Sunday, do you look at all who participate in service and say, "I could do that?" Well, you can! MMCC advocates the priesthood of all believers. That means that you can participate in or lead any of the rituals and activities on Sunday morning. On Sunday, July 22, at 9:00 am come and learn what is involved in all of the Sunday morning tasks. This is not a commitment, it is an exploration. Since there have been some changes to routine, regular worship leaders should also plan to attend.
In the interest of Equality for all my comment is added below
In the current announcements it was stated that "MCC advocates the priesthood of all believers." With that in mind I no longer plan to use the term "Deacon", instead however I plan to continue as an 'Independent Liturgical Consultant'. It is my hope that doing so will foster my values and principles in this matter and deepen my faith commitment to the work of Christ in keeping with his historic position for absolute equality in the midst of a completely classless society. Please know that I support any effort which is under way to decentralize the structure which seeks to deny a persons right to commune with God.
After all I don't think we need to be intermediary for the church, just servants of its calling. Truly I feel this can best be accomplished without the interference of a second fraternity.
Isn't it all about getting people into the seats (church growth) and not about promoting personal agendas or ideas? I root for anything that promotes change. I believe this is the only way that our church family has any hope of growing.
This is by no means a resignation of my duties to the congregation at large or to the church. I know that this will be an exciting change that will open the door to new opportunities allowing all members to exercise their desire to participate in or lead any of the activities on Sunday morning, not just a select few.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
How far Left do you lean?
Why are we more optimistic about the outcome of the Iraq war? I don't know but I don't see it as a winnable situation. Your views would be welcome on this subject. Just click on the Comments at the bottom of this post to let us know your opinion. So tell us what you think.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The Saga continues at the B C Saloon
In the mean time our notorious bar owner has renewed his license and walked away with (get this) a Warning Letter. Can you believe that? Which reminds me of a joke about Depth Perception. (Ask me some time and I'll tell you). Kinda makes you wonder though.
There is more to this one than meets the eye. You can bank an that. I'm not letting this one go until the fat lady sings. Stay tuned. This ain't done by a long shot.
PrideFest Did you like it?
That leads me to the Commitment Ceremony conducted at PrideFest. Each year it has gotten smaller and smaller. This year there were perhaps only ten couples, mostly young adults who attended the event. The introduction by one of the female ministers mentioned that they could not use any of the words such as marriage or much of the traditional wording that is part and parcel to a commitment ceremony. I don't think that was even necessary. That whole part could have been left out and the alternatively worded ceremony recited. That was like pouring gasoline on the flames. Why in the world make it any worse than it already is? Personally I don't think we need another Commitment Ceremony next year. I think it denigrates the sanctity of marriage or commitment when it is performed in a Carnival atmosphere. If anyone from PrideFest is reading this, I think it would be best that this be ended. Those who wish to partake of a commitment ceremony should do so at the church or religious institution of their choosing.
Correct me if I am wrong but I heard that there were no fireworks. I also heard that the vendors had to pay to get in. Although they set another record attendance record, many of the volunteer organizations made less than in the past.
I guess while I'm on a roll bitching, a friend of mine who very seldom carries any cash found that some of the vendors did not take charge cards. To make matters worse the Cash machines were out to boot. I would think that if a vendor wants to sell their wares at the festival, they should be required to take charge cards the same as cash. I think as do many others that Summerfest's switch to cash really sucks. I think that the old way of purchasing tickets for beer or food was better. Of course that is only my humble opinion.
And how was your day?
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Are You ready for PrideFest?
This is a time to meet friends you may not have seen for a while. It is also a time to stock up on clothing or jewelery or whatever for the year. Otherwise it means a trip down to Chicago to shop. Something I only do once a year.
Lets get dressed up and have fun this weekend.
Ill see you there.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Another one bites the dust
Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, extended condolences on Falwell's death but said he'll be remembered as "someone who demonized and vilified us for political gain and someone who used religion to divide rather than unite our nation."
Should we be hapy or sad at his passing? If anyhting I am relieved. Definitely not sad. What I wonder is what will happen when he stands before the Pearly Gates? Will St Peter send him on down to the Devil? Who knows. I sure don't, thats for sure.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Good News about the Harbor Room
Checking the court records Two of the perpetrators have postponed their pleas till the just before Memorial day. According to the court records they expect guilty pleas. As to the other two, one has pleaded no contest and the other guilty. Now I wonder how this will reflect on the upcoming bar renewal coming up at the end of the month? Stay tuned and I'll let you know what happens.
To get a little history on the arrests check the February and then the March Archives for all the details.
Don't you just love the drama?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Some random thoughts
I think it is time that Push comes to Shove. Don't you think?
More Juicy Drama at the Leather Bars
What's Going On?From: Harbor Room <fitz@harbor-room.com>Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 21:42:55 -0500
UPDATE So, What’s Going On?
Hello All!
So what is going on over there at that Harbor Room anyways? I heard the Harbor Room is closed down. I heard the police came in and closed the bar. There are so many rumors, so here goes. Harbor Room started with two people who formed a corporation to open this bar. Those two people are none other than Mick Engebritson and myself Gregg. Mick was our “agent” for the corporation, and I have been the owner of the corporation and the building. All has been well for our 7 years now and have never had a run in with the law. And we have been blessed to have a great group of customers who I would prefer to call Friends. Then two weeks ago, Mick was struck by a massive heart attack that took him by surprise and without warning at the young age of 53. Last Saturday I had a chance to see so many of you who attended the reception here at the Harbor Room following Mick’s wake.
But going back before his wake I promptly went to city hall to rectify the matter of our license in the light of Mick’s passing. After a few hours of paperwork and appointment of a new agent to the corporation in the Milwaukee Licensing Division’s offices, we were good to go and on our way. The kind people at city hall gave us the forms, we took oaths, got notarized and even wrote them a healthy check and got a receipt.
Then earlier this week, many of you came in and said, hmmmmmmmm! I heard a rumor over at ________from_______that you lost your license. Well, we said it wasn’t so. Then the Milwaukee Police Department claimed to get an ANNOYMOUS TIP that our license was not valid. Well, anytime a tip is recieved, it simply must be investigated! The Milwaukee Police Department arrived here on Friday at 6:10 p.m. to review our license. They took down the information from us and compared it to what they had in their on line computer listing. Bingo, no match. The new appointment had not been processed and is not in their computer. But in fact the Liquor Specialist in the Licensing Division of City Hall had us fill out an entirely wrong form. It was to be a TRANSFER of LICENSE due to Death of the Licensee not the regular Renewal of Liquor License with an appointment of a new agent. That form was coming due too, so no harm done there really, other than the mistake has resulted in the city closing our establishment. That being said, I will simply enclose here exchanges between the aldermen, the police dept for your edification!
First let’s get technical. LOL! CHAPTER 125 ALCOHOL BEVERAGES
(b) From person to person. 1. Licenses to sell alcohol beveragesmay be transferred to persons other than the licensee if thelicensee, or an applicant for a subsequently granted license, dies,becomes bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditorsduring the license year or after filing the application. If a retaillicensee becomes disabled, the municipality may, upon application,transfer the license to the licensee’s spouse if that spouse mayhold a license under sub. (5) and complies with all of the requirementsunder this chapter applicable to original applicants, exceptthat the spouse is exempt from payment of the license fee for theyear in which the transfer takes place.
2. Upon the happening of any of the events under subd. 1., thepersonal representative, the surviving spouse if a personal representativeis not appointed, the trustee or the receiver may continueor sell or assign the business. (This could result in legal issues with our attorney to begin, ugh)
4. If the business is sold or assigned, the license may be transferredto the successor owner or assignee at no charge if:a. He or she complies with the requirements applicable tooriginal applicants; andb. He or she is acceptable to the issuing authority and consentto the transfer is given by the issuing authority
You still with me? LOL Now for some more excerpts! Ain’t this fun?
Re: Closure of Harbor Room by Milwaukee Police Department
Hello Alderman Witkowiak,
This is the form the License Division should have given us. When I went in, I specifically asked for Patricia Profitt, however we were steered to one of her “Liquor Specialists.” That specialist had us fill out the entire new form AT 115 instead of this Transfer. We being myself, the liquor specialist, my new agent appointment and Patricia all spoke about Myron’s death and his upcoming funeral. No one however brought up anything about this form AT 108 that I found on line by going through Google. We went as far as proceeding to the Treasurer and paying $ 1,104.00 that otherwise would not have been due until the time of renewal being July 24, 2007. It says there is no charge for a transfer in the case of death.
The police never did return Friday evening. We waited until 9:45 and then contacted the police department to check on the status of our call that was placed at 7:30 p.m. When they checked, I was informed there was NO PENDING STATUS and that no call had been placed to the Police Department.
In inquiring further, I did in fact get the police department to admit that someone was indeed here for the purpose of checking our license. I asked to speak to someone and was told that “they were out doing tavern license checks, and they were with the State Bar Man.” This unit had not returned to the station and did not know when they would return after doing their “tavern license checks.” I told by the officer, that we were told by the officer that came to our establishment said, “They were responding to an anonymous tip that we did not have a license.” He replied “that was not true.” The only further information he would provide was that it was “Squad 2 G.”
FOLLOWED BY:Dear Alderman,
This is just to inform you that I have already met with the shift captain of District Two Milwaukee Police Department. I provided them with all of our licenses, the AT 115, the receipts, and the Transfer Form that should have been provided and or completed when we came to city hall to take care of this matter on May 2nd. They agreed we did everything in a prompt and orderly fashion but they could not allow us to open because a new license has not shown up in their on-line computer system. When that transfer is approved by City Hall and it appears on their computer, they said we may go ahead and reopen. Until then they said nothing could be done and that “not even the Chief of Police could give us the approval to operate.” Because of my business partner, Myron Engebritson’s sudden death, the license for the business is simply invalid.
And in Reply from our fine Alderman, and I do mean that, this seems to be one very nice and sincere gentleman. And I ain’t blowin’ no smoke!
Gregg,We will try and get to the bottom of this first thing Mon. am through lic. div..Call 286 2861 and speak with Mike McGuire; he is my Lesislative Assistant. Tell him that you sent a e-mail in with the info and ask him to confrence with either Rebecca Barron or Richard Pfaff in Lic. Div. and see what it will take to get this all fixed. Call McGuire at aprox 8:30 am on monday.He will do what he can and keep me in the loop.
So, how does that all line up with what you have heard? LOL. At least you are receiving your information directly from me at the Harbor Room as to clear up any RUMORS you have been told. Some people are really enjoying this I am sure. That is fine. That’s also real life. I worry more about what you think of us here at Harbor Room, and the fine reputation and trust we have built over the years with our friends and patrons. So I want you to know what is really going on.
Of course I could write more! I’ve never been short of words. But Harbor Room is still here. It will remain to be here. In fact, what could be better! Watch for our Grand Re-Opening Celebrations! People say I don’t advertise, LOL! I don’t need too! Bad Press is Better Than No Press At ALL!
Isn’t Life Fun? A change of pace does everyone good. Thanks for taking time to read this. I will keep you informed and up to date! Cheers!
Thanks Guys! Gregg
One suggestion I will make if Fitz is reading this. When dealing with Government officials, put everything in Writing. Send a certified letter, return reciept required verifying your conversation/s. If you email require a Reeturn reciept to verify that the intended person got the email and by all means make hard copies for your files. Another thing and I know they don't like this but get yourself a small electronic pocket recorder, turn it on, stick it in your shirt pocket and record the conversastion. It may not be used in court as evidence but you can make some pretty accurate notes from it afterwords. Get the names of everyone you talk to right away and never send anything by regular mail or email. That is taken from over thirty years as a landlord.
To the competition. You're still not the only show in town. You are not doing too well either seeing as your license is comming up the end of this month. Hint Hint.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Wanna do some Country?

How many of you remember 3B's and
Country Line Dancing?
Those were the days when you'd get all dressed up in jeans plaid shirt or blouse, Cowboy Boots and hunker on down to 3B's for a night of line dancing and fun. B's closed and moved to 2nd Street and so did the dancers and from there they moved over the years to different places. After a while we lost track of where they were meeting or when. Interest faded and so did the Cowboy fad. Some however never lost interest and continued to line dance right up until now.
Boy have I got news for you. There is a place with a huge dance floor where there is Country Line dancing and lessons. The place is Hot Water located at the very end of National Avenue on Water Street. 818 So. Water Street to be exact. It is a mixed bar offering different themes each day of the week and caters to all who like to dance, gay and straight. Friday is Country from 8:00 pm till bar close with free lessons from 8;30 to 9:15 pm. Our own Shoreline are the ones who dance and teach. There is a free parking in the lot north of the building. Kiddy corner from them is Kruz the old So Water Street Docks.
Wednesday is Disco on the 1st and 3rd and West Coast Swing on the 2nd and 4th., Thursday is East Coast Swing, Friday is Country, Saturday is Salsa and Sunday is Tango 3:15 to 9:30 pm and Comedy 9:30 to the last laugh.
So get on those duds and hunker on down to Hot Water on Friday night and join Shoreline for some good 'ol foot stompin fun.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Chocololic's Unite

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Brew City Bears Blame Game Begins
Guys if you don't try, nothing is going to happen. For Pete's sake take Responsibility for what is happening.
This is one of the biggest problems in our society. No one wants to take responsibility for the mess they've gotten themselves into. It is much easier to seek out a scapegoat to blame all their problems on. It is the selfish "Me" attitude and the "I don't want to get involved" Let Joe do it that is the problem. Let us not forget "The Devil made me do it." In my opinion, pure horse dung.
Oh, by the way, what goes around comes around and it did. Don't think for one minute that I don't know what is happening out there. They don't call me The Hawk for nothing.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
LGBT Communtiy Breakfast

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Interweave meets tomprrow
Friday, April 6, 2007
Happy Birthday Elton John
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Eldon Murray Memorial

Whats going on with the Bears?
Since moving here with my parents to Wisconsin I have been involved with all aspects of the LGBT community from Action Wisconsin to the Bear Club. Once again the journalistic bug has bitten and I have resigned from most organizations to pursue this passion. Which brings me to the question, Whats happening with the Bears?
First they lost their home bar then many members dropped out or have not renewed their membership. Late December elections for new officers were held and several positions remained vacant. Now it looks like they have suspended the By-Laws and upon defeating a motion to disband are contemplating the club's future. With only a third of the roster remaining, will they be able to recruit new members and breathe new life into the organization? Will they be able to regain their home bar? I guess we will have to wait and see.
Seeing as they have temporarily suspended the by-laws can women join too? After all there are Mama Bears and there are Papa Bears. Besides where do you think little Bears come from? Didn't their constitution say something about being a Social Club who welcomed Bears and their Admirers? I can tell you that I know some women who consider themselves Bears. I think they will be a great asset if the club lets them join. Personally I think we should end our internalized homophobia and join together as one big happy family. Lets get rid of the Boys Club mentality, that is so old. But will they do it? That is the question.
Can they pull it off? Lets wait and see.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
La Fraternitie du Loup-Garou
I don't know about anyone else but I had a good time meeting new people and engaging in dialogue with the members.
Forge Forward update
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sage Spring Fling
La Garou at Forge conference this weekend
Attention all you leather folks out there. La Garou a masculine Leather Group of FTM and SOFFA will be held at the FORGE Conference at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel by the airport this weekend March 30th to April 1st 2007. There will also be a Windy Moon Conclave held there along with a night at the Harbor Room on Saturday night. This would be a good time to meet some of our own and trade stories and who knows what else. (hint, hint for anyone bringing toys to play with?).
As a Leather person myself, I am looking forward to the event. I will be at the Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church booth on and off through out the weekend. I'm hoping to meet some friends, some of which I have lost contact with there also. I will be covering the conference all during the weekend and posting pictures of the events as they occur.
This should prove to be an interesting weekend. I'm looking forward to a very busy weekend.
On a slightly more somber note a memorial service will be held at the Washington Park Senior Center for our dear departed Eldon Murray on Saturday at 1 pm. The Milwaukee Journal had a very good write up on Eldon in the newspaper. Click Here for the Obiturary and here for the Article. Reguardless of how you feel about him, if it weren't for Eldon much of what we take for granted here is Wisconsin would not be. For this reason I urge all who knew him to attend.