Monday, August 13, 2007

Bodoh Busted an update

Its been in the newspapers, on TV and even on the radio about David Bodoh getting busted. The news headlines always sensational and always ready to reveal all the sordid details about anyone caught trying to meet someone underage that can be classified as Child Enticement or possibly Child Molestation they latch upon like vultures because it is part of the current mania running rampant in our society.

Excuse me while I take the Devil's Advocate view here. This is by no means an endorsement of his actions, so don't get all bent out of shape. There is a bit of irony to this story. Many of us use the Internet to meet people and interact with them on a regular basis. This is where trouble lurks. Many of us create an on-line persona quite different from our own. We become more beautiful with better self images than what we see in reality. Some of us even like to play games where we change genders and age becoming much younger than we actually are. A very dangerous thing to do which could lead to a whole lot of trouble if one is not careful. Many of use aren't, and we get caught.

Then again there are those who create these persona's to entice young people into their good graces and ultimately into their web of deceit. Myself not being a psychologist have no idea what motivates someone to want to have sex with children or anyone who is under age no matter how they look. Other than the sex starved little urchins who prowl the streets and back alleys looking for sex for hire, I confess that I don't understand the motivation behind it all.

The moral of the story is to be careful out there. Things aren't always what they seem. Be careful who you meet and never go alone to meet them. Always meet in a public place and always let a friend know what you are doing and plan to call them to let them know you are OK. Let them know when you are finished and are heading home, them call them when you are back and safe.

Lastly the hearing has been postponed until August 30Th. Keep tuned and I will post the results as soon as I hear them. In the meantime, Be careful out there.

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