Or everything you wanted to know about the Pride Parade
Pridefest and the Protesters
Every year it seems we go over the same things. Am I the only one who remembered to bring a tape recorder (actually a digital recorder) to record the meeting? Believe me it is much easier to review a tape later on to get all the facts straight.
the panelists were Maria Cadenas the moderator and director of the Cream City Foundation. Next was Cindy Odya-Weis aka Mama Q (Pflag), Jim Melotte (VPof the Pride Parade), Scott Gunkel (President of Pridefest) at the main table.
The first order of business was to have each person introduce themselves so that those in attendance knew who were attending and the amount of community representation we had.
A brief synopsis of the entertainment that would be performing at Pridefest during the weekend, the hours of operation and cost of tickets. Of concern was the need for cooperation between the Parade Sponsors and Pridefest organizers that we need to work together in order to provide a good experience for those patrons attending the festival and parade. Pridefest this year is making available large packets of tickets available for purchase at a good discount. Free entry will also be available each day with the donation of at least Four non-perishable food donations to the Food Pantry near the front gate. This is great for those with limited finances who would like to attend.
Several suggestions for the Pride Parade were made including shortening the route to increase or consolidate the crowd along the street. Another was to have the Parade on a different day in order to extend our Pride celebration into a week long celebration. It e idea is that the Parade would not be as much in competition with Pridefest and it may even discourage protesters or lessen the intensity.
The biggest discussion centered on the Protesters who it seems have changed their tactics and seem to be concentrating more on the parade than on protesting across from Pridefest. It was discussed that sensitivity training for the Police personnel who are assigned or volunteer to patrol at Pridefest would be necessary and help in delicate situations. Working with bar owners in obtaining permits extending the area in front for private use during the Parade would help curb the interference by protesters. Perhaps passing out flyer's about the protesters and what will and what will not be tolerated by the police. My suggestion is to ignore them like they don't exist and not say anything. Responding to them is what they want.
PFLAG is planning to have Cheerleaders and support and guidance for those people needing it during the Parade and around Pridefest.
Other topics that were discussed were the possibility of growing our celebration into a Pride Week instead of just a weekend. The impact of the Amendment on this years activities and recognition of the great work done by FORGE in their first national FTM/SOFFA conference held in Milwaukee.
Here's a Question?
How do you feel about growing our festival into a Pride Week? Think about other cities where the celebration is a week long event (or longer) and how it effected your vision. What kind of things can we come up with that can extend Pride into a week long event?
Click the comment button and tell us your suggestions.
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