Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Saga continues at the B C Saloon

Remember I told you that I would keep you informed of the continuing saga unfolding at our infamous Leather Bar? I checked the court records and two of the people arrested pleaded guilty and paid their fines. The other two represented by a lawyer have decided to fight the charges in court and it has been adjourned for pre-trial conference prior to a jury trial.

In the mean time our notorious bar owner has renewed his license and walked away with (get this) a Warning Letter. Can you believe that? Which reminds me of a joke about Depth Perception. (Ask me some time and I'll tell you). Kinda makes you wonder though.

There is more to this one than meets the eye. You can bank an that. I'm not letting this one go until the fat lady sings. Stay tuned. This ain't done by a long shot.

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