The rainbow community picnic
Saturday, July 18 was a beautiful day to have a picnic. This was a day the rainbow community picnic was held behind the community center at Washington Park. Placing the picnic area behind the community center allowed for easy access for those with disabilities. The area directly behind the center was paved along with a concrete walk parallel to the picnic area which itself was essentially flat. This year plastic lawn chairs were put out for people to sit in along with maybe about four canvas chairs. You know the ones that once you get into you have a heck of a time getting out of. I should know I own one of them, but I don't use it very often. Picnic a tables were set up in several rows with tents covering all of them in case mother nature should decide to sprinkle on us. The weather cooperated and the temperature was perfect with very little breeze. There were the usual hot dogs and hamburgers, sausages and brat worst and veggie burgers and every kind of salad you could think of and then some. Dessert consisted of pies and cakes and cookies of every description. Enough I believe to feed an army. Conservatively my estimate of the number of people was at least 75 and perhaps more. The youngest person there was one year old and the oldest was 94. Games were set up for the kids consisting of balls on strings that would be tossed onto a stand made of plastic tubing. My guess is that the person who was able to get the most balls onto the stand would be winner. So if you didn't go you missed a wonderful time great food and great people.
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