Friday, November 19, 2010
Salvation Army Kettle Time Again
Some of the places that the red kettle campaign is located is the Bayshore Mall, Pick & Save (Bay Shore Mall management office telephone number is 332-8136, Chris Jaeter is the general Manager) and Stein's gardens and gifts. Needless to say if you are so moved it is my recommendation that we file complaints with these businesses demanding that they remove these red kettles from their premises. In the meantime stay tuned because there will be more to follow on this blog.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Some thoughts concerning Milwaukee MCC
Last Sunday because of my curiosity concerning the ministerial committees I wanted to see if anything changed. The two committees I was interested in were the Technology Committee and the Pastoral Committee. Needless to say I was vastly disappointed with the Technology committee for the following reasons.
The person or persons controlling the websites for the church insist upon using a web authoring tool that is extremely complicated and expensive. I believe this is to ensure that they will be the only ones capable of creating and updating the church's websites.
They have ownership of and control of the domains also assuring that no one will be able to access the websites.
There were several hearing-impaired individuals who are interested in making sermons accessible. Ideas concerning videos were summarily rejected.
In order for people to come back to the website time and time again (weekly) it needs to be changed and updated on a regular basis if that does not happen that is very unlikely that they will ever come back after the very first time. Nothing has changed on either one of the websites and some things should be completely eliminated or deleted from these websites in order for the church to move forwards.
I was also upset by the ministerial committee choosing music for weekly services. A good homilist chooses music appropriate to the homily or sermon. They do not allow anyone else to do this. This caused me to wonder how far in advance the minister prepares the sermons?
Concerning the communion I have several concerns. I understand that you may want to contemporize communion however some people believe that it has been watered down and lost its magic. The magic of communion is this trans-substantiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. The act of consuming these two items represents a forgiveness of sins, nothing more and nothing less. Now if new people to the church are not familiar with this, then I think it should be part of the membership class. Although different churches do not use the traditional wafers the bread should always be the same. Authenticity is good but Hawaiian bread just doesn't cut it.
Unfortunately the Milwaukee Metropolitan community Church will never grow if things don't change. I realize that you have your own style of effecting change, however that has not happened given the amount of time you have been minister of this church. I think that you need to take a stronger leadership position and insist the stagnant leaders step down and allow fresh blood to replace and revitalize these committees. You must accept the fact that some people will be extremely upset when this happens and some may quit the church entirely. Sometimes change is not always pleasant but necessary. In some circles we call it getting rid of deadwood.
There are times when I take the Devils Advocate position to force people to think and do things they otherwise would not do. I hope that people get mad then perhaps good things will happen. And although I am not a member nor do I intend to rejoin, for some reason I care about the church. I have had many pleasant memories with the church.
There is a method to my madness and always a reason for what I do.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
What were they thinking? Or were they?
I would strongly suggest you drive by the building and pull into what is called Market Street which happens to be a private alley which leads to a private parking garage and not public parking. And if you really want to amuse yourself as you're driving into Market Street carefully read the signs on the east side of the street. You will also note that there is a no parking sign by the City of Milwaukee facing in the wrong direction on the same side of the street. As you read this sign you will notice that there are surveillance cameras overlooking these parking spaces indicating that anyone who is not a tenant will be ticketed and towed. On the front of the building, on Highland Street again all parking in that area is metered parking. Let us not forget that directly across the street is the Milwaukee School of Engineering whose students during season tend to take up every available parking space. Kitty corner from the new LGB T Ctr. is the 1000 N. Water St. structure with eight floors of available parking, access is from the East but in order to exit you must exit from the West or you can walk down the steep incline or take eight stories worth of stairs to exit to the East. Monthly parking for this garage is approximately $100 per month and daily parking is usually about eight dollars a day if you enter before 8 AM and leave before 5 PM. All parking is automated with no attendance available.
The problem is, I have confronted to both Maggie Cage and the operations manager Dave Martin to the LGB T Ctr. and they are notoriously quiet about what is going on with the new facilities. Upon publishing the several articles such as this one I still get no response. Even the gay newspapers the Quest and the Wisconsin Gazette have failed to make any mentions concerning these problems with the new LGB T Ctr. Apparently they are only interested in politics, suicides and entertainment and not much else.
I'm afraid this is going to be one of those "I told you so" stories. Too bad everyone it is turning a deaf ear because unfortunately they have to learn the hard way, so I guess I have to say welcome to the School of Hard Knocks. It's really too bad too because they are past the point of no return and there is no way of getting out of their contract at this point in time. The idea was good but the planning sucks. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Such is life.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The reasons for my journalism

Contrary to popular belief I do not like to stir up controversy. As a journalist and semi-professional photographer ( now learning vidiography) I believe it is my duty when I am made aware of the goings on in our community that may be detrimental that those responsible be held responsible. Publicly exposing possible alleged wrong doing is necessary in order to maintain a healthy LGBT community.
It is unfortunate that the local gay media only concentrates on (besides our current political climate IE. domestic partner and DADT) only the Good News and buries its head in the sand on important issues concerning the egotistical and narcissistic proclivities of its leaders. We must remember that we elected or appointed them as spokesmen and mentors for the organizations they are responsible for. The problem is that Power sometimes goes to their heads and bad things can be the result. Truth be told, many people can not handle Power and that is the reason that we must hold them responsible for their actions.
A prime example comes to mind the New LGBT Center 252 E. Highland St. where there is almost no adequate parking (unless you want to pay a premium to a parking garage) not to mention Disabled Parking or ADA access (yes there is a ramp to the doorway but no marked vehicular space for access front or back) to the building. If my memory serves me right, if more than 30% of the interior of the building is remodeled the rest of it must also be made ADA compliant.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Things you didn't know about that new LGB T community center
For the past two years I was a assistant patrol supervisor patrolling four major garages in the downtown Milwaukee area specifically one West and South nearby or should I say kitty corner from the new LGBT Ctr. I can tell you specifically that there is no exit from this building other than from the South side of the building or the Westside from the Performing Arts Center and from the East a very steep ramp. To the east of the new center is the Milwaukee school of engineering parking lot. MSOE does not allow anyone except students to park in a parking lot and if you do you will get ticketed and towed. Most of the parking around MSOE is metered parking and there is very seldom a space available. I was informed that there would be parking on the side of the building apparently where the new entryway is located. I will we have to buzz to get into this one too? I Assume several of these spots will be for disabled parking. The street is basically a cul-de-sac and there is very little parking available.
I was informed that the center has negotiated private parking within one of the structures nearby the center. Exactly who is going to use these parking spaces is a good question. What I don't think anybody realizes is that these negotiated spaces will be used by people who run the center. This eliminates the cost of parking downtown and allows these people access to almost everything downtown (no more meters to plug remember?) because according to them it's all within walking distance. (surprise surprise)Most parking downtown cost no less than $100 per month, and don't even mention those god-awful parking meters something I don't think these people are going to have to pay for ever. This is one of the perks that you and I are going to be paying for through our donations, believe it or not. Where the funding is going to come from for these costly parking spaces is a very good question. And my question is should we be footing the bill for this parking through our donations?
The last thing I would like to point out is that parking in that area is a premium because it is within a block or so of at least 20 bars which are packed solid Friday and Saturday evenings. And I don't know of too many gay people who were going to want to be around during during that time when there are hundreds of rowdy college students in the area. Believe me I know because I had to kick a lot of them out of the garages and break up fights and other stuff like that at closing time. On summer nights the police would cordon off the area and he only way you could go was home. So there you have it, a place I would consider not a very good (think lousy) location with very limited parking and very few answers forthcoming.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Did you hear the LGBT center is moving?
I am sorry but I have a big problem with that. Actually I have several problems with it. First of all they are moving into an office building across the street from MSOE, 1000 N. Water St. with its attendant parking garage which I am afraid to say does not comply with accommodations for people who are disabled. Not only that but the parking lot east of the building cannot be used for parking because it is part of the Milwaukee school of engineering and they don't allow anyone to park there unless you are a student and have a valid MS O E. parking permit which I am sure none of us will be able to get. I spoke with Patrick Price and Maggie Cage on the telephone and he/she indicated that the first floor was going to be used for for LGB T. group's and project Q. the second floor which he indicated contains the mezzanine will be used by the Galano Club. And from what I can see looking at Google maps using their street view that the third floor will be used for offices for those running it the LGB T. Center.
One of my biggest problems number one is where the building is located, right smack dab in the middle of the entertainment district. You know the area where the performing arts Center is located and about 20 bars frequented by college types FRiday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Needless to say parking is still a premium. Metered parking is available on the street and at night for free if you can find a parking place. And they indicated that they had negotiated parking spaces with a nearby condominium development. Unfortunately these parking spaces do not comply with the Americans with disabilities act because there are no parking places within a reasonable distance of the entrance to the new center. Once again this building is also on a slight decline, or incline whichever you prefer making it difficult for anyone in a wheelchair to access the front door of the building. The bottom casement of the front door is not even with the cement sidewalk and therefore making it difficult for someone in a wheelchair to enter the building.
Unless you are part of the aging LGB T. community these inconsistencies become a very big problem when it is very difficult for you to negotiate, walk or use a wheelchair to get around. As far as I can see there are no disabled parking spaces nearby. There are also no buses within a reasonable distance of this new center. For this reason many of us will probably never visit the new center. Now if you would like to take the two-hour hardhat tour of the building in June, please be my guest. Anyway I would strongly suggest that anyone should check this out and let our leaders know what you think. Now I know one of the arguments they are going to make is that they want to be accessible to the kids who use project Q., but I ask you how many of these kids live close to the LGBT. Center? Inquiring minds would like to know. Maybe it's time that we form our own LGB T. Tea Party. Just a thought.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Why we don't need to celebrate our relationships at pridefest
Years later after the American psychiatric Association dropped homosexuality from the DSM 4 book of diagnostic criteria did we finally decide to celebrate who we are throughout the United States with gay pride celebrations. Somewhere during this time many GL BT individuals and organizations also wanted to celebrate our love for one another and our desire as same-sex couples to protest the laws restricting us from our God-given right to marriage. As a way of publicly protesting many organizations including pridefest decided to hold mass wedding ceremonies as our way to bring our plight to light.
In the meantime many individuals and organizations were pushing within the political arena within many of our capital cities and governmental agencies to push for the right to marry. This in turn caused a backlash within the organized religious communities who collectively worked to ban gay marriage through constitutional amendments starting with Hawaii and continuing across the United States until almost every state banned gay marriage. Although many gay organizations are working to over turn constitutional amendments we still cannot legally marry or be recognized as married couple where we live.
Here in Wisconsin state's constitution has been amended to ban gay marriage. The state and its municipalities no longer recognize a gay marriage. Prior to the state constitution being amended many gay people participated in mass marriage ceremonies at pridefest. After the constitutional amendment was passed a celebration of Mass. marriages celebrated at pridefest dropped dramatically from well over 100 to less than 10. Each year the number had dropped off. As an ordained minister and Deacon for the MCC it has always been my belief that we do not need the government's blessing. If we need anything from the government we can either get it from domestic partnerships or through legal documentation from gay friendly lawyers. It has also been very strongly my belief that a celebration of our partnerships and or commitments are between us and God and not the government. Therefore I highly recommend that we seek out our favorite church to privately celebrate our commitment. We really don't need to do it during the carnival atmosphere of pridefest.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pants on the floor or your head up your ass?
Unfortunately in our society in this day and age there are many dishonest people. Therefore the requirements that a person completes a religious course in seminary has become mandatory. Any person claiming to be a minister would be required to produce some sort of the diploma or other proof of training before they can be ordained by their chosen faith or religious organization. Refusal to do so of course would be reason to refuse any application to any religious order organization.
And although there may be many sincere individuals who would like to become ministers in their chosen faith lack of education and psychological evaluation has become necessary in over to prevent any bad things from happening or anyone with a criminal or psychological impairment from being allowed to practice. I cite the current problems within the Catholic Church with many priests who have not been psychologically evaluated leading to rampant pedophilia within the church's clergy. Unfortunately some people are not psychologically qualified to serve as ministers or clergy. There are also other problems which can and do occur from the self proclaimed clergy concerning the monetary abuse of state and federal tax laws. Unfortunately there are people who abuse the process for their own inurement therefore violating the tax code.
I am not the only one who has challenged certain individuals credentials of ministry. Most of those I have asked have no problem providing proof. Others on the other hand have chosen to not produce evidence here pertain to their ordination or the corporate status of their church as a religious organization as defined by IR code 501(c)(3). It is my personal opinion that anyone who bocks at producing credentials of ministry or organizational information should be in my opinion suspect. Dealing with that organization would be at your own risk.