I know this blog has been silent for a while, you see I had spinal surgery
Now to the meat of this article. One of the big reasons you very seldom see me out at the bars on the weekends especially during the winter is because of the cigarette smoke. If no one is smoking it's okay but if they are it tends to bother me quite a bit. I usually come in, look round see if I can find somebody I know and if no one I know is there I turn around and exit. I know the bar owners don't like it because they'd rather have me stay and buy A few drinks to keep them in business. I have enough health problems without having to compound the problems by breathing in everyone else's toxic gases.
Believe me I know what smoking can do to a person. I used to know a person who used to smoke about three packages of cigarettes a day. Previously he had pneumonia and before he quit he sounded like the demon in the exorcist (you know the book by William Peter Blatty). One day as he swung his legs to the floor upon waking up, he couldn't catch his breath. He decided at this time that he should quit smoking and he did. It's fortunate that he did because to this day he hasn't had any problems with his lungs. My mother on the other hand has smoked since she was a child, but she died of cancer. The agony that my father and I went through watching her slow deterioration and knowing that we could do absolutely nothing is something I never wish on anybody. So I hope this is a wake-up call for the gay community. A grim reminder that 1200 people a day die due to cigarette smoking and lung cancer. And as a sidenote it's not just cancer but emphysema which can kill you too. With the cost of cigarettes now exceeding five dollars a package, don't you think it's a good time to quit? Just think of how much money you could save at one package a day at five dollars a package, comes a $35 a week or $175 a month. If you go through three packs a day that's $15 and in one week it comes to $105 or $525 a month. And just think in one year you it's been $6300 to feed your habit. I don't know about you but that was sure pay for a nice trip down to Key West or even Palm Springs. How about it? Don't you think it's time to quit?