Okay pridefest has been long over since the beginning of June. A little ways down you'll notice that I asked about what is happening with pridefest. We were assured that once the dust settled with someone would let us know how they did. Other than a short paragraph from the Press. Pridefest assured us that although they had bad weather and on unexpected protest (which by the way I let them know about well in advance) along with a fairly large contingent of police, that pridefest made out okay. I don't know about you, but I think it's about time that we found out what was going on. Really going on. Inquiring minds want to know.
I've included the e-mail that I was sent today where your inspection. I think I ruffled a few feathers.
I recieved a call from the people at Milwaukee World Festivals (Summerfest
people) about your inquiry. They stated that you had questions concerning
PrideFest. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to
inquiry directly to me here at PrideFest. I will attempt to answer any
and all questions you have or get the answers from those at PrideFest that
might be able to assist you.
Forward In Pride, Peace & Hope (Obama),
Scott D. Gunkel,
No Mr. President, I think the responsibility is not just to me but to the rest of the LGBT community. I think you need to address the community at large and not just me. I hope you understand.
I'm sorry but I have no intention of contacting you personally because I think the responsible thing to do is to come forth honestly with a report to the community. The community wants to know if pridefest is viable and just how viable you are. I think it's about time someone comes forward with the financials. Not the same old happy rhetoric. I'm sure you know you are already in my crosshairs and I am sure that I would rather have you come forward first with the information without forcing me to dig out. Sooner or later the skeleton will come out of the closet. I just don't want to be the one that has to drag it out.
I like to think I am the eternal optimist and I hope that what you say will be good news, not bad. I do think it's about time that someone takes responsibility and comes forward and let us know (that is the LGBT community) so that we can keep this wonderful festival for many years to come. And hopefully soon, not sometime next year. We're waiting with bated breath.