Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to deal with Pridefest protesters

This year we will have some new guests outside the gates protesting and shouting at us as we enter the grounds. My question is do you know what to do as you pass them or when they yell slurs at you?
Remember that yelling back at them is exactly what they want. They feed on that. That is what they want. So what do you do?
Here are my suggestions;

  1. Ignore them. Act as though they don't exist.
  2. Don't talk to them. Not one word. They hate that.
  3. Don't debate them. Its useless and only makes them more aggressive.
  4. Please don't throw anything at them. You will be arrested, not them.
  5. Don't put your hands on them. Don't push them and don't try to punch them. You will be arrested.
  6. If you have to say something, simply say "Have a nice day" That's all. Nothing else.
That's basically it. Walk on the other side of the street if you feel uncomfortable. Bring a friend or have some one escort you to the gate. Above all have a good time.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Nazis to protest at Pridefest

Click on the picture above to read the flyer
The Wisconsin chapter of the Nazi party is planning to protest outside Pridefest on Saturday June 7th 2008.
Below is a link to the national web sites flyer

National web site
Wisconsin chapter
This is a whole other animal and I hope that we can get the police on this one along with Summerfest so that we can have plenty of protection.

Meanwhile your community leaders and various LGBT organizations will be mobilizing support for those coming to the fest.
I will keep0 you tuned as I get information.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Trouble with Pride in Madison

Just a quickie Madison Pride is in deep financial trouble and will be cutting back on the event in July. From what I get they will only have the parade and political get together by the Capitol and that will be about it. I will be doing some investigation and will post an update as soon as I get it. BTW there is a small article in the Quest which gives more information.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Visioning and the Shepherd Express fiasco

Shout Milwaukee is dead

The Shepherd Express fiasco died on the vine. In effect the Visioning Project thought that our Gay Press Sucks. Instead of working with them to try to increase their circulation and outlets where the newspapers could be picked up, they opted to use the Shepherd Express in which to place their news.

Now some will say that with the advent of computers and access to news stories almost instantaneously as they occur that the local print media just can't hack it. For local and national news this may be true, however many events that will never be covered by any media source is covered, or at least should be by the Gay press. Events at the bars and at the LGBT Center along with human interest stories and in depth analysis of political happenings that affect all of us are the things that should be covered. Gay businesses should advertise too. Not only will lgbt people be aware of Gay friendly establishments but these businesses also benefit from increased sales and exposure.

The silence is deafening

Not a peep so far from the Visioning Project since I posted on my blog.

How interesting?

Did they abandon their email and are now conversing by Phone?

Then again perhaps I deflated some egos.

Don't get me wrong, getting a bunch of our leaders together to hash out perceived problems within the gay community and suggesting ways to correct them is laudable.

My main interest is the problem of Accountability. So far there is none. Leaders take turns facilitating meetings making it extremely difficult to determine who is responsible for what.

They need some sort of structure patterned after the rules and regulations promulgated under Roberts Rules of Order. Any other structure As far as I am concerned is unacceptable.

Is that too much to ask?