Sunday, December 14, 2008
Alaska Gov. Palin's church is gutted by fire
Monday, December 8, 2008
News flash QLife magazine ceases publication
For all of you who may not know, but now you do QLife magazine has as of December 1 ceased publication. As of this date I have decided to resurrect the Wisconsin light online as a source of news and information as it happens. Because many of us do not get the newspaper or can get out to the bars to pick up our gay publications is my decision to start an online publication for your edification. Any business or any person wanting to publish information about their business, their bar or other publication or has any type of articles they would like to publish on the Wisconsin light online I would be happy to receive those articles and then be able to publish them on either this blog or the Wisconsin light online. Wisconsin light online has been established to create a news outlet where I intend to be as accurate and un-opinionated as possible. I can't claim that on Gary's dish. Of course that's why Gary's dish exists so that I can express my opinions anyway I see fit.
On the right hand side of this blog you will see a link that tells about me which you should click on in order to see the link to the Wisconsin light online I will also supply it here for your convenience. I guess it's sad to say that we lost another publication which I hope may be able to resurrect itself like a phoenix from the ashes. I wish the best of luck to the publishers of QLife magazine.
As a sidenote is my intention to set up a website for the Wisconsin light online so that we can publish a newspaper somewhat to the way it was published previously only as an online publication that you may be able to read at your convenience. It is also my hope that we will be able to allow people to download and print out the publication as a PDF document similar to the way Quest is doing it. We already own the domain name for the Wisconsin light and we already have a server lined up so within the next several months I hope to have it up and running.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Prop. 8 protesters target Mormon temple in Westwood - Los Angeles Times
I just had a very long talk with a friend of mine about the protests due to the passage of proposition eight and the involvement of the Mormon church has had in promoting its passage. My friend was very upset with this and thought that this was very hypocritical of the gay community. I confess I really wasn't aware of this until he pointed it out. He believes that anyone should be able to express her opinion publicly if necessary without it being called hate speech. Personally I think that the gay community is looking for a scapegoat because they were not able to overturn proposition eight.
Here in Wisconsin when Action Wisconsin was first formed I was privileged to be on its board of directors and was able to voice my opinion on gay-rights issues within our state. Prior to this time gays and lesbians in Wisconsin were looking to get their foot in the door and trying to get partner benefits past in major metropolitan areas such as Milwaukee and Madison. After some struggle we were able to get some of these domestic partnership benefits passed both in the Milwaukee and Madison, but not as many as we would have liked. Many gays and lesbians within the state of Wisconsin were not happy with this and were claiming that we were second class citizens and that we should have full equal rights under the laws. They believed that getting partnership benefits would be one of the first steps to us getting our foot in the door for full inclusion. Some, I believe decided to rush headlong into the fray and push for all the rights under the law that heterosexual marriage would give and therefore supposedly give us equal status and full inclusion along with the government's blessing. Unfortunately I tried to point out to them that going for complete inclusion via marriage would be stirring up a hornets nest with the religious right. Instead they did not want to listen and went forward with their quest for complete inclusion and equal rights under marriage.
How wrong they could be. Indeed they did stir up a hornets nest within the religious communities and the likes we have never seen. The faith based community staunchly held the belief that marriage should only be between one man and one woman, not two men or two women. The gay and lesbian community spent thousands and possibly millions of dollars beinging their cases to court in order to force states to recognize gay marriage. Faith based communities including the religious right became incensed at this and worked feverishly to change the constitution to ban gay marriage, which for the most part was successful. Not only do we lose the right to gay marriage but also the constitutions and laws of the states of the United States were changed to prohibit gay marriage saying that only one man and one woman can be considered in the process of marriage. Now in 2008 comes a presidential election along with proposition eight in California which would ban gay marriage within that state. Many churches including the Mormon church encouraged their members to get out the vote in order to get proposition eight passed, which of course it did, and now the gay community is looking for a scapegoat to blame because of their failure to overturn this referendum.
Personally I do not see what all the fuss is all about because I for one do not want anything to do with heterosexual marriage in any shape manner or form. I don't like the idea of being homogenized into society and having anyone including gays and lesbians telling me that we are just like them. On the contrary we are not just like them and we never will be. This is one of the reasons why I am against marriage, because it is so much a part of the greater heterosexual community. I am not and never have been a second class citizen and no one is going to tell me anything different. As far as I am concerned I am a sovereign individual and I do not need the blessing of the government to be bestowed upon myself or my partner should we decide to enter into a state of matrimony. I only answer to one law and that law comes from God and not from some government. Should I ever find a partner I definitely want the blessings of the church to be bestowed upon us, but I do not want the government to intervene in any shape manner or form. The only things I want are basic benefits afforded to myself and my partner such as hospital visitation and the right of my partner to inherit whatever I so choose when I pass on. And as far as I'm concerned everything else is gravy. Like a bumper sticker I used to have on my car which said "God bless the IRS, if it wasn't for them I'd be filthy rich." I don't know about you but I think this whole thing is just a little stupid. Any thoughts that you may have would be greatly appreciated.Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Preliminary report on pridefest financials
You definitely can't say I sugar coat the news. Please find below his response to me, and my original request to him. The sequence of letters is a little backwards , because the first request is at the bottom and the answer is up above. You may have to go all the way down to the bottom and work your way up to get the gist of it, such that it is. Take it for what it's worth.
Your tone seems rather harsh and disparaging, and while I am not a master of retoric, I will give you the same information that was sent to all newspapers.
PrideFest does not list detailed annual reports on the website, and we have yet to have a detailed audit for this year endiing in August.
PrideFest is scheduling that to happen in October, the earliest that we have ever been ablt to arrange for our audit.
While PrideFest is very excited that our financial sponsorship is up more than 50%, and that our "in Kind" support is up more than 200%; also our Market Place vendors rented more spaces from us than ever before. Plus our Pre-sale tickets raised more than 2 1/2 times what last years did (much of that was due to the reserved seating section that we developed this year). With all that said, sadly I must report that PrideFest took a loss of around $16,500.00. This figure was only announced after we recieved and paid all the final bills outstanding, which unfornuatly takes time to arrive; Milwaukee World Festivals (MWF) send out our billing after they finish operating Summerfest; in the past that has been in late October. So while some preceive that we are stalling in making our final numbers known, it is due to the late arrival of our MWF billing.
PrideFest still had financial reserves in access of $110,000.00 and is in a strong position for next years Festival. There will be no call for emergency help out of PrideFest. Overall, PrideFest is happy with the final results. As you made mention of past issues, PrideFest's management of the financials has kept PrideFest in a strong position despite the terrible weather this years Festival had.
Let me also remind you that PrideFest is now and has been since the 2004 re-building, a all volunteer organization. Before 2004, some of the people who worked at prideFest were paid,I guess the fact that the community was not informed of such (and many other things)made the community less than trusting of PrideFest. While we hope someday to build PrideFest up strong enough to hire staff, that will not happen in the near future. When it does, PrideFest will proudly announce it to the media.
All of us who work on PrideFest do so as volunteers, and deserve the respect of the community for the work we do all year round to develop this event and organization.
Forward In Pride, Peace and Hope (Obama),
Scott D. Gunkel,
President PrideFest
Below is my letter to Mr. Gunkel requesting financial information about pridefest.
> Okay spill the beans. Give me some kind of financial figures. I think
> you owe it to the LGBT community before next year to really know how
> viable pridefest is. I am really not interested in all the sugar
> coated happy rhetoric that has been printed in the gay rags. If you
> don't know already you and pridefest are in my crosshairs. And I'm
> sure you know that I am not going away until someone comes forward
> with some kind of statement. The sooner the better. You already know
> my history with Wisconsin Light as a photojournalist. Retirement has
> now allowed me to take my journalism one step further and it's so much
> fun.
> I would rather have you or someone in your organization come forward
> first, rather than forcing me to dig up the information (and believe
> me I will) and that I assure you will not be good. I just don't want
> to see the same thing happen, that happened with the last Board of
> Directors. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I just hope that
> history does not repeat itself.
> I can assure you the sooner we put this to bed sooner we can get on
> with whatever we have to do and forget this ever happened. For this
> reason I think this should be public and not private. Be assured that
> any information you do give me will be made public. That I can
> guarantee. I owe the LGBT community that much, don't you think?
> and
> (The Real Truth) you might just learn a few things. Some people hate
> me and call me all kinds of names, but they still can't stop reading
> my blogs. I wonder why that is? It's like the National Enquirer
> everybody hates it but they can't put it down. Smile
Below is a letter sent by Milwaukee world festivals to Mr. Gunkel at pridefest indicating my request for information.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 11:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Your inquiry
> Gary,
> I recieved a call from the people at Milwaukee World Festivals
> (Summerfest
> people) about your inquiry. They stated that you had questions
> concerning PrideFest. If you have any concerns or questions, please
> feel free to inquiry directly to me here at PrideFest. I will attempt
> to answer any and all questions you have or get the answers from those
> at PrideFest that might be able to assist you.
> Forward In Pride, Peace & Hope (Obama), Scott D. Gunkel, President
Friday, September 26, 2008
We are still waiting for pridefest financials
Okay pridefest has been long over since the beginning of June. A little ways down you'll notice that I asked about what is happening with pridefest. We were assured that once the dust settled with someone would let us know how they did. Other than a short paragraph from the Press. Pridefest assured us that although they had bad weather and on unexpected protest (which by the way I let them know about well in advance) along with a fairly large contingent of police, that pridefest made out okay. I don't know about you, but I think it's about time that we found out what was going on. Really going on. Inquiring minds want to know.
I've included the e-mail that I was sent today where your inspection. I think I ruffled a few feathers.
I recieved a call from the people at Milwaukee World Festivals (Summerfest
people) about your inquiry. They stated that you had questions concerning
PrideFest. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to
inquiry directly to me here at PrideFest. I will attempt to answer any
and all questions you have or get the answers from those at PrideFest that
might be able to assist you.
Forward In Pride, Peace & Hope (Obama),
Scott D. Gunkel,
No Mr. President, I think the responsibility is not just to me but to the rest of the LGBT community. I think you need to address the community at large and not just me. I hope you understand.
I'm sorry but I have no intention of contacting you personally because I think the responsible thing to do is to come forth honestly with a report to the community. The community wants to know if pridefest is viable and just how viable you are. I think it's about time someone comes forward with the financials. Not the same old happy rhetoric. I'm sure you know you are already in my crosshairs and I am sure that I would rather have you come forward first with the information without forcing me to dig out. Sooner or later the skeleton will come out of the closet. I just don't want to be the one that has to drag it out.
I like to think I am the eternal optimist and I hope that what you say will be good news, not bad. I do think it's about time that someone takes responsibility and comes forward and let us know (that is the LGBT community) so that we can keep this wonderful festival for many years to come. And hopefully soon, not sometime next year. We're waiting with bated breath.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
For a change of pace The Dancing Queen
I found this on the Internet and I thought you would enjoy it for a change of pace.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
How are we doing pridefest?
Pridefest unfortunately because of the dates that they have chosen for the festival makes them self highly dependent upon the weather. If we get really good weather and it's warm out, which is very uncertain at the beginning of June, is likely that pridefest will be quite a success. On the other hand should we get bad weather attendance will be down and so won't revenues.
In past years we have dealt with the usual protesters who have caused very little if any problems. This year however, which I tried to point out to them and was unfortunately blown off, that they were in for a major protest. I contacted the president of pridefest and indicated that the Neo-Nazis and Bash Back Milwaukee were going to protest on Saturday in front of the festival grounds. Almost all of the various media in the city of Milwaukee were notified and each covered the protests. Why pridefest organizers did not take these warnings to heart, I do not know. I just wonder if their is insurance covered all the extra police protection that was needed? Or has this also added to the problems that currently exist? Inquiring minds would like to know.
I just wonder about the advertising that pridefest is doing sponsoring various entertainment in order to boost its revenues? After all they can't repeat what happened in the past to ask for Angels to bail them out. I don't know if anyone would do that again. I really don't like to sound like doom and gloom, but I really do suspect that they are in trouble. I do sincerely hope that they can bounce back and to raise the revenue they so desperately need so that we can continue celebrating pridefest in years to come.
If I might make a suggestion, I think it would be advantageous for pridefest to move the date of the festival to a time when we have warmer weather. Now I know that some will say that June is the month when pride is celebrated. That may be all well and good, but we do not live in a climate conducive to good weather. Unfortunately we are at the mercy of mother nature and it is either boom or bust. We either make it or we don't. On the other hand if pridefest were moved to to a time when there is warmer weather, there is a much higher likelihood of success. Not only that, and I don't know about you, but I like to see a little skin. Wouldn't you?
I would really like to find out what people think about this and I encourage your comments and or criticisms. Like me or hate me, this is the reality of the situation. I really do think we need some dialogue. It is for this reason that many times I act as a devil's advocate to force people to think and to force them into dialogue, whether they like it or not. Remember, I do this for our own good. So let's get some dialogue going, shall we?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Dictation for new dictation for my blog
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Pridefest the aftermath 2

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pridefest the aftermath
I cruised the various food vendors with their usual selection of finger food, brats, hamburgers, pizza, corn on the cob and other various and sundry dishes. Tuns of calories and way too much sugar for this diabetics taste and as usual nothing for vegetarians or health food junkies. A usual sore spot for myself and others, I'm sure.
Because of soaring gas prices and in order to save a trip to Chicago, this was a good time to stock up on new tee shirts, jewelery and other paraphernalia. Unfortunately Milwaukee isn't known for its wide variety of gay goods.
Soon after 1 pm the protesters showed up in force. If you want to count about Ten Neo-Nazis a force to be reckoned with. However (Drum roll please) Bash Back Milwaukee showed up about 30 to 40 strong as did the Police. Riot gear and all. It was a stand off to be sure, one group hurling insults back and forth while the Cops (by my count 16 strong in riot gear between them) facing Bash Back and all but ignoring the small group of Neo-Nazis.
Someone must have been watching over the whole thing because around 2:30 pm it started to rain dispersing onlookers and protesters. About this time I left and soon after the downpour began pretty much ending the festivities for the evening.
Sunday I returned. It was sunny but most of the groups that were in the center area had packed up and most tents were empty. The rest of the event went on as planned. So there you have it. My view of Pridefest. Now the only question is whether they broke even or was it a bust? We shall see.
Stay tuned. As soon as I hear something, I'll post it here.
Many people have expressed concern for PrideFest due to the unprecedented challenges the festival and its patrons faced over the weekend. Both the weather and a small protest drew attention away from the purpose of this event: to celebrate our lives and our community. However, I want to assure you that neither weather nor protesters can or will stop PrideFest and its merry people from celebrating life, love and the history of the LGBT community. While weather and protesters can have an impact on the final results of success, our event is still a success none-the-less. Our crowds were smaller this year than in previous years, but they were a celebratory, hearty bunch. Few people left during Saturday's and Sunday's storms; instead, they stayed together and enjoyed what they could and created an atmosphere of community towards each other by sharing a common experience.
PrideFest's revenues will be down this year from previous years, but because of past successes and sound management, PrideFest will not fall. The strong involvement of the festival's many volunteers, who have worked diligently throughout the year to build financial and operational support, has made PrideFest strong enough to weather the storms.
I must acknowledge all those of the Production Team and Board who work all year long; all those volunteer groups and individuals that came together throughout the weekend; and all the sponsors that came forth and supported PrideFest. You have the thanks of PrideFest, the LGBT community and myself for all you have done to create and maintain this strong and wonderful organization known as PrideFest.
Forward in Pride & Peace,
Scott D. Gunkel
President, PrideFest
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Pridefest protest update
Given what has happened at RiverSplash ( I was there doing patrols) with an almost riot, The director of Pridefest has been conspicuously quiet concerning security measures. I would think that they would publish a statement to the media assuring the public that Pridefest will be doing its utmost to protect festival goers entering the grounds. Perhaps it would be wise to provide an alternate entrance for those with disabilities or who are squeamish about entering at the main gate? Or is this just another example of their gross mismanagement that seems to happen year after year? Then again perhaps we should insist that the President of Pridefest resign and someone with proper management and marketing skills replace him? What do you think?
Here is the link to IndiMedia's announcement for Bash Back Milwaukee plans for their protest.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
How to deal with Pridefest protesters
Remember that yelling back at them is exactly what they want. They feed on that. That is what they want. So what do you do?
Here are my suggestions;
- Ignore them. Act as though they don't exist.
- Don't talk to them. Not one word. They hate that.
- Don't debate them. Its useless and only makes them more aggressive.
- Please don't throw anything at them. You will be arrested, not them.
- Don't put your hands on them. Don't push them and don't try to punch them. You will be arrested.
- If you have to say something, simply say "Have a nice day" That's all. Nothing else.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Nazis to protest at Pridefest

The Wisconsin chapter of the Nazi party is planning to protest outside Pridefest on Saturday June 7th 2008.
Below is a link to the national web sites flyer
National web site
Wisconsin chapter
This is a whole other animal and I hope that we can get the police on this one along with Summerfest so that we can have plenty of protection.
Meanwhile your community leaders and various LGBT organizations will be mobilizing support for those coming to the fest.
I will keep0 you tuned as I get information.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Trouble with Pride in Madison
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Visioning and the Shepherd Express fiasco
The Shepherd Express fiasco died on the vine. In effect the Visioning Project thought that our Gay Press Sucks. Instead of working with them to try to increase their circulation and outlets where the newspapers could be picked up, they opted to use the Shepherd Express in which to place their news.
Now some will say that with the advent of computers and access to news stories almost instantaneously as they occur that the local print media just can't hack it. For local and national news this may be true, however many events that will never be covered by any media source is covered, or at least should be by the Gay press. Events at the bars and at the LGBT Center along with human interest stories and in depth analysis of political happenings that affect all of us are the things that should be covered. Gay businesses should advertise too. Not only will lgbt people be aware of Gay friendly establishments but these businesses also benefit from increased sales and exposure.
How interesting?
Did they abandon their email and are now conversing by Phone?
Then again perhaps I deflated some egos.
Don't get me wrong, getting a bunch of our leaders together to hash out perceived problems within the gay community and suggesting ways to correct them is laudable.
My main interest is the problem of Accountability. So far there is none. Leaders take turns facilitating meetings making it extremely difficult to determine who is responsible for what.
They need some sort of structure patterned after the rules and regulations promulgated under Roberts Rules of Order. Any other structure As far as I am concerned is unacceptable.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Visioning Project Mission Statement revision
Here is the original statement;
"The Greater Milwaukee Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Visioning Project provides a forum to determine shared interests and effect collaboration among the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender communities.“
Here is what has been suggested after several revisions;
We are a core group of LGBT organizations working collaboratively to identify shared problems and develop mutually agreeable solutions that support, motivate and foster our community growth and culture.
Now here is my response to that;
Wouldn't it be more correct to say that the Visioning Project is comprised of a group of individuals in leadership positions representing various LGBT organizations collaborating to solve shared problems within our community in order to foster its growth? So far the wording that has been suggested for the founding statement is just too ambiguous.
As I see it no group or organization ever proposed that the Visioning project be formed. It was if I am correct, the invention of the Cream City Foundation, specifically Maria Cadenas'. Also no group or organization to my knowledge has ever authorized or asked this project/committee to make any decisions on their behalf.
The other thing that bothers me is because leadership at each meeting shifts to a different individual, there is no accountability. The founding statement is a good start but there must also be some sort of rules and regulations under which the committee operates. At this point in time there are none, and this to me is a problem. Might I suggest Roberts Rules of Order as a starting point. (ie. Bylaws)
A history of the project is a good idea but smacks of self aggrandizement or a pat on the back in order to make your group look good. Perhaps that should be put on hold until the organizational paperwork is completed. Just a thought.
Of course that is only my humble opinion.
I sure would like to know what you think. Post your response below for all to see.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Re-Erection Tour and the Religious Right
Puppetry of the Penis
and the outrage of the
Religious Right
An ad was placed in the Weekend Cue Section of the Journal Sentinel and the Religious Right went bonkers. How dare they post an ad for the Puppetry of the Penis called the Re-Erection Tour? I suppose they think that this blasphemy's the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday. Personally I think their timing is perfect and the Religious Right who by the way are anything but is brilliant. Of course somehow they are trying to spin it around to include the Homosexual Agenda, intimating that this is part of our agenda. How stupid can they be? This is a show by heterosexuals primarily for heterosexuals. Leave it to the progressive English to come up with something so totally sacrilegious.
Boys and Girls this is the free advertising they are looking for.
Hooray for the Stupid People
You religious morons
You fell for it Hook Line and Sinker
Way to go (wink)
Here's a link to the You Tube Ad
I dont know about you but I woulden't miss this one for the world.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
When Religion is an Addiction
is an
Outwards Books presents
Robert N. Minor, Ph.D.
Last night Outwards Books sponsored a talk by Robert Minor on his current book "When Religion is an Addiction" This was a very informative discussion on how Religion can become an addiction, how it comes about and why. What we do to further it and how to respond to it.
Basically we need to stop enabling the religious people's addiction by altering our way of thinking. It deals with the the questions such as Will we call it an addiction? How those caught up in the addictive web get a "High" or "Fix" from those who preach about righteousness and and how it feeds those with low self-esteem to feel better than those around them. Its like a drug where they never quite reach that ultimate High and ever strive for more.
He went into detail about how we can overcome some of the pitfalls that liberal thinking and actions can exacerbate the situation. We should not argue religion with them, but we should concentrate instead on how they feel about themselves.
Arguing our position doesn't work and we should discontinue that approach. It just feeds on their addiction. We have to let them hit Rock Bottom and not feel sorry for them. First we have to save ourselves. Secondly we need to ask why we are in this fight. We must recognize addictive religion and non-addictive religion, know the difference, and how they relate to that. Be clear about what you can and cannot do for the addict and the addiction. Lastly to remove the addict from the addiction and the the driver's seat in our society and our lives.
All this is explained in his book and talk. It is a short 153 pages and will certainly enlighten many about how the Religious Right act and think. It is a good book to read and study now because Pride Fest is just around the corner and with it will undoubtedly come the extremists outside the gates. Undoubtedly it will give some of us the knowledge to better handle the situation.
Friday, March 14, 2008
ELCA Same crap different wording
This is the same garbage they have been spooing forth continuously for years. By changing the wording i suppose they are thinking that this is something new. I got news for you, it isn't. It is the same old rhetoric. They are trying to pawn off the same old tired hateful rhetoric in sheep's clothing. If nothing it is an interesting read. Just don't expect anything to change. I doubt that anything will. Such is life. Ho humm. Yawn. Moving right along.
BTW If you believe this crap, I have a bridge for sale Cheap.
ELCA Home age
March 13, 2008
ELCA 'Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality' Now Available
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Task Force for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Studies on Sexuality released the "Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality" March 13 for study and response across the 4.8 million-member ELCA. Responses to the draft social statement are due to the task force Nov. 1, 2008.
Social statements are teaching documents that assist Lutherans in forming judgments on social issues. They provide theological and ethical framework for discussion, discernment and decision-making, set policy for the church, and guide the church's advocacy and work in church and society. Social statements are adopted by a two-thirds vote at ELCA churchwide assemblies. Held every other year, the churchwide assembly is the ELCA's highest legislative authority. The next assembly is Aug. 17-23, 2009, in Minneapolis.
"We are sexual creatures from the moment of birth to the time of death. This draft social statement takes that seriously and addresses sexuality in relation to the various situations of our lives. The common question at all times is what serves the good of the neighbor, what creates and sustains trust, and what protects from harm," said the Rev. Rebecca S. Larson, executive director, ELCA Church in Society.
"It is the hope of the task force that this draft social statement will invite this church into continued conversation. This draft forms the best thinking of the task force to date, although not all members of the task force agree with all parts of the document. The task force hopes to learn what in the draft is helpful, what might be changed, and what is missing," said Larson.
Most of the ELCA's 65 synods plan to host hearings between March and November as an opportunity for Lutherans to discuss the draft social statement. At least one representative of the task force is to attend each hearing. The ELCA has 10,549 congregations organized into its 65 synods. The draft document contains a form for other responses.
Based on the responses from the church the task force will revise and prepare a proposed social statement, which is due in early 2009. The proposed social statement will be given to the ELCA Church Council for its consideration and with a request to place the document on the agenda of the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly for action. The Church Council is the ELCA's legislative authority between churchwide assemblies.
The 2001 ELCA Churchwide Assembly initiated the process to develop a social statement on human sexuality. At the direction of the council, a task force was formed to carry out the process. The task force published three studies and a youth resource to invite deliberation and response across the ELCA under the "Journey Together Faithfully" banner.
Content of the ELCA 'Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality'
The draft social statement does not address current ELCA policies, which "preclude practicing homosexual persons from the rosters of this church." The task force has been asked to make recommendations on official church rosters to the 2009 churchwide assembly. These recommendations will be available in February 2009.
There are four primary sections between the draft social statement's introduction and conclusion: "Theological and ethical foundations for understanding sexuality"; "Sexuality as part of God's creative activity"; "Trust at the heart of faith active in love"; and, "Social trust and the common good."
Section one recognizes that the Lutheran tradition has a unique contribution to the conversation and moral discernment on human sexuality. Section two explores a Lutheran approach to sexual ethics. Section three describes "God's gift of sexuality" in creation.
Section four looks at matters of trust -- how trust among people "forms the basis of healthy relationships, including sexual relationships." This section also looks at marriage, cohabitation, same-gender relationships and more. The draft social statement says that in commitment and sexuality "this church teaches that degrees of physical intimacy should be carefully matched to degrees of affection and commitment. This also suggests a way to understand why this church has taught that the greatest physical intimacies, such as intercourse, should be matched with and sheltered by the highest level of binding commitment, such as found in marriage." The draft statement says that the ELCA "does not favor or give approval to cohabitation arrangements outside of marriage" but that there are broad social forces and that "certain laws and economic realities in this society create economic hardship for many, including senior citizens, who desire to be legally married."
The draft statement says that after "many years of study and conversation, this church does not have consensus regarding loving and committed same-gender relationships. This church has committed itself to continuing to accompany one another in study, prayer, discernment and pastoral care."
Section five extends to the area of how "trust fosters healthy sexuality in community life."
"Lutherans believe that there is nothing we can do -- either right or wrong action -- to win the love of God. God's love comes to us despite who we are. And, we respond to that love by caring for and seeking the good of our neighbor," said Larson.
"This draft social statement insists that God has created us as sexual and therefore relational beings. This is God's intention and it is good. It is for this reason that the theme of trust is so evident, because trust is the cornerstone for the flourishing of all relationships and of society," said Larson. "In no area of our lives is trust more critical than in the area of human sexuality. We are therefore called to demonstrate trust in all of our relationships and to work to make this world a more trustworthy place."
Lutherans do not make up a "rule book of right and wrong behaviors" which, Larson said, will not be found in the draft social statement. "Lutherans seek to help people make ethical decisions in the midst of the messiness of life," she said, adding that the draft social statement on human sexuality speaks strongly against "all the causes of harm, including and especially the violation of trust for children," and the misuse of trust and power in all relationships.
According to the Rev. Peter Strommen, bishop, ELCA Northeastern Minnesota Synod, Duluth, and task force chair, the draft social statement "intentionally grounds its thinking in an evangelical Lutheran tradition. The reader will notice this as a prominent characteristic of the document. In addition, a case is made for important social institutions such as marriage. It is recognized that the same degree of social consensus that once existed can no longer be assumed. The use of 'trust' represents a fresh approach that is embedded in Lutheran tradition and effective in addressing both public and personal dimensions of human sexuality. This document works with the inter-relationship of the social, cultural, economic and religious, both private and public."
Strommen added that the intent of the draft social statement is "churchwide engagement and feedback. The invitation is, 'let's think together and improve this document before it comes as a proposed statement in 2009."
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The "Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality" of the ELCA is available at on the ELCA's Web site.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
ELCA News Blog:
Monday, February 18, 2008
Here we go again
Apparently they don't like the exercise of free speech especially when it affects one of them. Do they really expect us to follow like sheep to the slaughter house? I am not one of those sheeple. I refuse to follow blindly. If I feel something is wrong I will speak up and let everyone know about it. That is just the way I am, like it or not.
I am not ashamed to say that I oppose the Shepherd Express decision by the Visioning project. It is telling us that they don't like the gay press. Their excuse is that they are not reaching the greater community and that there are those who will not read gay newspapers, probably because they will be harassed by their peers if they are caught doing so. This is a long standing problem with the Gay community that we are afraid to come out for fear of the shame and possible ridicule we may endure. Perhaps we fear the attacks from those who don't like gays and lesbians and other queers. Guess what? The more we are out there the less we will be harassed and disliked.
Face it there is still quite a bit of prejudice out there. It isn't going to go away any time soon if we keep in the closet.
Believe me there are times when I'd like to just plain abandon the gay community and walk away form the whole thing, but I can't. I am not a quitter. I am a fighter and you better get used to it. I'm like that little dog who doesn't know the meaning of the word no who bites you in the ass and won't let go. I've had it with all these pissie queens.
Another thing that really gets my goat is that the guy who writes the articles for the Shepherd Express wants me to stop emailing him. Then who are we to write to if we don't agree with his views? Anyone who wants his email address, I'll be happy to give it to you.
Love me or hate me, I'm not going away. Enough said
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Hillery or Obama that is the question?
Do I agree with everything it says. Of course not. What really irks me is that someone called it "Hate e-mail" Can you believe that? Boys and girls, it politics, pure and simple. The email below are not the views of this blogger.
I did a search on the Clinton's philanthropy and found very little. What I did find were other philanthropic organizations or people giving money to some of her causes. Not Her money mind you but someone else's.
There are two things that give me the jitters. One is that Bill (an ex-president) has full access to everything that goes on at the White House. It is a given that Bill has been sticking his nose into various political happenings while Hillary is out campaigning. Some of her aids have had to do some explaining. What worries me is will he get involved in her presidency if she is elected president? How will that effect you and I? Good or Bad?
Remember that when Shrub got elected president, elder Bush as not come to his rescue nor has he interfered in any way. Will Bill do the same? Your guess is as good as mine.
The second thing is that Hillary has not always been forthcoming during debates or under questioning by her peers. It seems to me that they have had to play 50 questions to get her to give a straight answer. Her evasiveness is what I have a problem with. Perhaps I am a cynic or perhaps it is because of over thirty years working in the area of law enforcement that I distrust anyone who will not answer simple questions or is purposely evasive. I notice these things and it bothers me.
You and I have to scrape along paycheck to paycheck to barely survive. Do you think that she would ever give any part of the money she will get and give it to the homeless or someone in need? Don't count on it.
Read what was sent to me and make your own decision. One word of warning. No one said you have to like it or agree with it. But DO think about it. The views expressed below are NOT my views. I sent it out to start a dialog.
It was pointed out to me that there were and still are politicians who have been or are now receiving these same benefits. Does that make it right? I would hope that there would be a resounding NO. I would also hope that the American public would like to see that changed. It would go a long way in solving the deficit, that and stemming a lot of the Pork-Barrel spending.
Poor Girl Hillary :
This is disgusting!
This is really sure to read it all... If Hillary wins in 2008 and Bill is 'appointed' to fill her Senate seat and either live to retire 'they' (together or alone) would get two US Presidential retirement checks, two US Senate retirement checks, and a retirement check from the State of Arkansas About the only thing they MIGHT NOT get is a Social Security
check...but I wouldn't bet on it....I understand ole Bill has earned $40,000,000 in the past six
years. What a guy! AND THE REST OF THE STORY...Hilarious Rotten Clinton, as a New York State Senator, now comes under the 'Congressional Retirement and Staffing Plan,' which means that even if she never gets reelected, she STILL receives her Congressional salary until she dies. (Would it not be nice if all Americans were pension eligible after only 4 years?)
If Bill outlives her, he then inherits HER salary until HE dies. He is already getting his Presidential salary until he dies. If Hillary outlives Bill, she also gets HIS salary until she dies. Guess who pays for that? It's common knowledge that in order for her to establish NY residency, they purchased a million dollarplus house in upscale Chappaqua , New York .
Makes sense!
They are entitled to Secret Service protection for life. Still makes sense. Here is where it becomes interesting Their mortgage payments hover at around $10,000 per month. BUT, an extra residence 'had' to be built within the acreage to house the Secret Service agents
The Clintons charge the Federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of that extra residence, which is about equal to their mortgage payment. This means that we, the taxpayers, are paying the Clinton's salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security, as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff and,this is all perfectly legal!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Milwaukee LGBT Community Center Annual Membership Meeting

Again this is a good time to attend to voice your opinions on the direction and plans that the LGBT Center has in store.
One of the things that bothers me is the change to become a philanthropic organization which is already part and parcel to the Cream City Foundation. Personally I don't think it a good idea. I don't think they should be giving away money to anyone. What they should be doing is saving for a new more accessible (to those with disabilities) building. As it stands the only thing they have done is to install a platform which rises to the first floor for those with disabilities. they cannot go into the lower basement level nor can they get to the upper (2nd floor) level except with great difficulty. As with other buildings the Center has occupied this seems to be a big issue with many people. That and the lack of adequate parking.
Another problem I see as one of the first people involved in the proposed new LGBT center (there wasn't one at the time) was that the Center was to be a place where the Community could meet and commiserate. It was not meant to house mostly gay and lesbian businesses or organizations to a great extent as it now stands. Very few organizations use the Community Room because of the serious lack of parking in the area.
I think we need to remind our leaders that it is more important to get a new location which is better suited to those with disabilities than the one we have. Let the Cream City Foundation worry about Philanthropy. This in my opinion is the only way our community can grow and become more cohesive. Of course that is only my humble opinion.
Center Advocates Annual Meeting

Tonight Monday January 28th 2008 the Center Advocates will be holding their Annual Meeting at the Art Bar located at 722 East Burleigh Street. The Annual Meeting will be at 5:30pm till about 6:pm with a Reception from 6:00pm to 7:30pm with light refreshments, and a cash bar.
Be sure to RSVP as I am sure that they want to have enough refreshments available for everyone. This will be a good time to become a member if for no other reason to be able to vote on the proposed by-law changes or voice your opinions concerning the direction the Advocates are planning to take this year.
Sometimes I think apathy runs rampant in our community. Sitting by while others make decisions for us which may or may not be in our best interests can prove to be disastrous. There are those who have tremendous egos and are not held accountable or restrained will make decisions according to their own agenda without thought to the effect they have on the rest of us. In this respect I think it is very important that we attend these gatherings and voice our opinions.
This is your community and your opinion is valuable. As far as I am concerned if you don't vote or make your voice heard, you no longer have the right to squawk about the outcome should it not be in your favor. So come on out and let them know what you think and make a difference.