Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Comments about the current minutes
Catalyst Committee Meeting Minutes*** Friday November 16th, 2008
Held at: The Milwaukee Gay Arts Center
Present: Maggi Cage, Craig Bodoh, Jane Ottow, Alen Wells Phd, Maria Cadenas, Joe Pabst, Joel Rittle, Wendy Woodruff, Kate Sherry
Agenda: Shepard Express Proposal ~ An LGBT section in the Shepard Express
Craig Bodoh outlined his meeting with the Shepard Express staff and the positive reception he received. The Shepard Express is willing to include an LGBT section in their paper the third week of each month. The Shepard Express selected Charles Grosz to write the column. Articles of interest should be sent to him via email at CGGrosz@aol.com
There will also be advertising space available.
Are we getting one page or what?
Those present expressed support of this new development and concerns regarding how this will impact Q Life: specifically their advertising section. One option, presented by Maggi Cage, is to offer advertisement in both Q Life and The Shepard Express for one fee. Further discussion will be needed.
Offer advertisement in both Q-life and Shepherd Express for one fee. Specifically who's advertisements? Shepherd Expresses or Q-Life? this means that the Shepherd will steal advertisers away from Q-life making it even harder for them to generate advertising revenue thereby staying alive. Correct me if I am wrong.
Who is going to pick up Q-life is the same news is in the Shepherd? I can't believe that this will not hurt the Q-Life or any other gay newspaper.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Silence is defening
Next I sent several emails to the director of the LGBT center which were returned as undeliverable even though I got the address from the Visioning Project email list. Seems interesting that their emails get through but mine don't. I guess this is another example of the non-responsiveness of our so-called community leaders.
It makes me wonder if they think that they are better than us? Well I have news for them. We chose you to represent us and you are responsible to answer our needs. You are not above us. You work for us. We hired you and we can also fire you if you don't respond to us. You need us if you want to keep your jobs. Remember that we can always get someone else. You need us, we don't need you.
I hope to see a lot of people at the meeting at the Gay Arts Center on the 21st at 9 am. Like Stonewall, Im pissed and I'm not going to take it any more. How about you?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My 2 cents by TC
MY 2¢ Worth
Well, where do I start?
The whole fracas currently going on about the so – called "Visioning" project and their undercover attempts to "Mainstream" the LGBT… community press has me thinking…Could all these attempts at "Mainstreaming" the LGBT… community really be nothing more than an attempt by the more affluent part of our LGBT… community to show how much they envy the strait "Mainstream"? … Really – I mean…
Any 1st grader knows that the only way to gain approval is through conformity. You see it in the playgrounds everyday. One kid, who is thought to be cool, has everyone else trying to emulate them. They try to dress like them, talk like them, and even behave like them. – All in an attempt to be considered part of the "cool majority".
By the same token, there are kids who could never fit into the so – called "ideal" and are considered outcasts. There is little, if any, chance that they will fit in with the others.
The outcasts are the most desperate ones. They want to be just like the majority of the kids who are considered cool and, therefore, acceptable.
Now, whether they’re right or wrong, the majority is perceived as being the only desirable state of being. Anything less (Or, for that matter, different) is not worthy of consideration.
I think it’s time to look at the whole thing from a psychological standpoint.
Although there are always going to be certain "Advantages" to being in a conformed group, there are also sacrifices that people make to be included in same – said group. Most of it is the ability to identify those parts of an individual that are, well, individual.
If I wanted to be "Just like everyone else", I would have married a woman, had children, joined the Republican (or any other political) party, gotten a job in my dream career.
For those who know me, this is a far cry from my "Reality" In short, I would have given up everything that I am and stand for to be "Just like everyone else" I am not now, nor will I ever be.
There is a group that "raises money" for the LGBT… community. They obviously, by their actions over the years, are embarrassed to be who they are. Everything they do is an attempt to "fit in" with the greater community (Please insert the word "strait", if you must) at large.
Not only are they in denial of their uniqueness, but they are shoving that denial down the throats of the rest of us.
Sure, my life would be a whole lot different if I could "Marry my partner". I could have shared his health care during a time when I was discovering several breakdowns in my body. Do I feel the exchanging of vows in a church is the only way to do this? Not by a long shot!
Along the same lines, I DO NOT NEED to have an overpriced festival to share my so called "uniqueness" and, even if I did, I DO NOT NEED TO HAVE IT on the expensive park by the lake. Furthermore, I would not have to show it by going on a 3 day drunk, - Just like the thousands upon thousands of other festival goers do.
I share my uniqueness with everyone I meet or have contact with everyday.
It has been said that conformity is a crutch for the weak… and I agree! For all those who spend their efforts into conforming and being "just like everyone else" are losing who they really are.
All that I am, the good, the bad, and the ugly, have been formed by all my experiences.
I have survived bar politics, Leather club in – fights, and even the birth, maturing, and death of a social club in this town. I will still be going strong in the future no matter what may come my way because I know I am fine just as I am. I am not the majority, nor would I want to be.
I can not give up any aspect of myself. It’s just a price I am not willing to pay.
The queer folks at Stonewall felt the same way and they took a stand. They got tired of being harassed for being different. They refused to cave in to pressure to "Be like everyone else" and they refused to deny their inner selves for conformity’s sake.
It’s time we do the same.
Responses to tcbearcub@yahoo.com please put "My 2 cents" in the subject line or I may not see it.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Urgent update on the state of the Visioning Project
I assume she wanted to feel me out to find out how I would respond to what she had to say.
I did find this out the Visioning project blog. Interesting as the last minutes were posted 11 months ago. Not very good record keeping if you ask me. That was January 2007 and it is now December. Lots of blank space.
Another very valid question I would like to ask as she said that the Shepherd was not going to charge to put a section (I read that as more than one page) in their paper. Lets see that's 75000 copies which translates into how many more pages. Who is going to pay for this extra space and paper) ? I'm not stupid. Somebody has to pay. Who?
OK they have no minutes, No Bylaws, no Standard Operating procedures, no elections and no grievance policy. Every volunteer organization usually has them. How come they don't? I certainly can't believe that they have no expenses whatsoever. Then how do they finance the projects they do?
Check out the blog for yourself. It is quite interesting.
Who is going to pay for the Gay News in the Shepherd Express?
And here are some more.
- Who started the Visioning Project and Why?
- Who did this person approach to join this project? And Why?
- Why don't they take minuets?
- Why is there such an underhanded attempt at non-disclosure?
- Who was the one appointed to contact the Shepherd Express and negotiate a contract with them? Who precisely are they claiming to represent and who gave them the authority to do so? Why wasn't anybody told about it?
- Most importantly, where is the money coming from?
Why do so many people not know about this organization which is supposedly acting in our best interest? If they are, why haven't they ever asked for our input?
I'll tell you what, I'm going to demand an independent audit because I want to know where all the money is going and why they are keeping everything secret. Besides, who gave them the authority to represent us? I sure didn't. Did you?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
A View on the Shepherd Express/Visioning Project
Below is the view from Mr Neil Andrew. Thanks Neil. Right on. You coulden't have said it any better.
Dear Visionaries:
Having recently read the article posted at http://garysdish.blogspot.com regarding the incorporation of Gay and Lesbian Community print media news into the Shepard Express I have a few thoughts that I think would be best expressed on this issue.
I hold to the position that I am in direct opposition to any involvement on the part of the Lesbian and Gay community to attempt to create a monthly forum in the Shepherd Express because doing so would, in my opinion, divide the community along loyalty lines much like it did, in those historic days, when Milwaukee received the majority of its GLBTIQ news from two competing papers. People either read and supported one or the other, but in very few cases, did they support both effectively enough to keep them in print.
In addition to the fact that as history shows our city cannot seem to sustain or support multiple newspapers there is a secondary issue present that I fear is being forgotten by each and every one of you. To put it simple the Shepherd Express is principally a heterosexual newspaper whose primary purpose is to focus its storylines on the needs and interests of the vast majority of its readers who are also primarily heterosexual in their lifestyles and viewpoints.
This fact should, if it has not already done so, raise concerns in the hearts and minds of all of you as there exists a likelihood that the Shepherd Express would ever become the only clearly visible voice of GLBTIQ news in the Metropolitan Milwaukee is theoretically likely as support for the existing paper would be impacted negatively. Given this and the additional fact that there simply is no “set in stone” guarantee that the Shepherd Express would not at some point eventually relent to any pressure from those in our society who, because of homophobia, would seek to totally eradicate our visibility in media I feel that on this issue you are not acting in the best interests of the community you claim to represent.
The Visioning Project and all of its members, without exception, should be ashamed of themselves for not speaking out in defense of the rights and liberties enshrined in the Constitution. Our democratic republic was after all founded by visionaries who in many cases gave their lives to preserve the voice of the minority opinion which fashioned the very fabric on which our flag is flown today.
Silencing our voices in the name of protecting the profitable interests of the private sector fails to service the need for a public independent news outlet that consistently promotes our diverse culture as opposed to allowing ourselves to be morphed into nothing more than a segment of society worthy of an occasional honorable mention in a print section permitting us to express our simple views.
For this reason, I encourage everyone who is opposed to this initiative to act now, and in good conscience contact the Shepherd Express as listed below:
Ms. Lisa Kaiser, Editor - in - Chief
207 E. Buffalo St. Ste. 410
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone Number : 414-276-2222
Website: http://www.shepherd-express.com
The Rev. Neil Andrew, O.M.S.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Something stinks about the Shepherd Express deal and the Visioning Project
Did you also know that they don't take any notes when they meet? Did you also know that they do not have any Web Address, Yahoo Group or Web Page? Seems a little strange, don't you think? Sounds to me like we have a Secret Organization in our midst that very few people even know about.
This whole cabal that is in the works between the Visioning Project and Shepherd Express to present our Gay News (a straight paper mind you) will ultimately undermine and even put the gay newspapers being published out of business. Have they made any effort to work with them? They say they did, but don't you believe it. It was a half hearted effort at best and I bet bottom dollar that Pride Fest is somehow involved in this. What better way to get back at or punish Q-Life for not publishing the Pride Guide? Quest will be affected by this too. Bank on it. You do know that once they get their foot in the door with the Shepherd Express that they will probably publish the guide in their newspaper leaving our newspapers out in the cold. Oh and how about advertising? Their rates are so high most gay business can't afford it. How do you think it will affect their bottom line or their business?
Do you think that this deal should go through? ABSOLUTELY NOT What I want you to do is call the Shepherd Express and tell them to keep their noses out of our gay lives. We don't need them and we don't want them period. Sure they will tell us that a gay person will be writing articles, but how long will that last and some straight person starts doing it? I don't even want to think about that one.
I think we need to tell them this really sucks. the sooner the better. Unless they come up with a Non-Competition Agreement protecting the gay papers already in existence, I am totally against it.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Visioning Project and Shepherd Express
These are people who are supposed to be leaders in our community. Many of them are but I wonder why they didn't first ask for public opinion concerning their intentions instead of going behind our backs. Pretty sneaky if you ask me.
Personally I prefer a queer newspaper for LGBT people, written by gay people. Not some mainstream straight newspaper writing about us. It is a fact that straights have stolen our favorite bars and even ruined one of our cherished events, Halloween. We should not allow then to steal our news too. I'm sorry but I can not support any organization, no matter how noble their intentions to sabotage our newspapers. We don't need more competition. What we need is for all of us to support our LGBT businesses. I don't like it and neither should you.
What we should do is let them know how we feel at the next meeting at the Gay Arts Center on December 21st at 9:00 am. Tell them its a rotten idea. I plan to.
Please leave a comment one way or another.