Friday, November 16, 2007

Another missed opportunity for the LGBT Community

Below is the advertisement for the LGBT Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner. Whoever planned this was definitely not on the ball on this one. Its too late for Quest and also for Q-Life Magazine, it does not appear on the Sage Home page nor have they emailed it out as of this date.

Come on guys and girls you gotta do a better Job of planning. Q-Life should have been notified a long time ago so that they could have gotten it in the community events, Quest deadline is past also. I hope other people read this in time to participate. Contact one of the organizations if you plan to bring something (especially Sage as I believe that they are coordinating the food). This would be great for the Hit Bowlers who are away for the holidays and don't plan to attend the awards banquet.


November 24
- Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner, SAGE/Milwaukee, Milwaukee LGBT Community Center, Project Q, Lesbian Alliance, Black and White Men Together, Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, and Brew City Bears invite you all to a potluck dinner on Saturday, November 24 from 4:30pm to 7:30pm at the Plymouth Church, 2717 E. Hampshire on Milwaukee's east side. Doors open at 4:30pm and dinner is served at 5:30 pm. Bring an appetizer if your last name begins with A-G, a side dish if it begins with H-M, a dessert if it begins with N-T or a salad/bread/rolls if it begins with U-Z. Please call SAGE/Milwaukee at 414-224-0517 to confirm your attendance so we know how many dishes to buy. Volunteers are needed for setup and cleanup!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

The continuing saga with David Bodoh

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