Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What Do You Believe?

The First Unitarian Society is presenting a series of Sermons entitled "What Do You Believe?"
So far there have been two sermons. The first one was about what we believe or don't. Some people ask just what is a Unitarian and what actually do they believe? Our response is that you are not required to believe anything, that is your choice. You can believe in God or not. You can believe in Jesus or not. You can be an Atheist or an agnostic, a Pagan or Buddhist or Transcendentalist, or whatever suits your fancy. Whatever works for you. Of course someone said "I really like you Unitarians, you don't believe in a damn thing."

The second in the series was What is the meaning of life?
Sept. 23 "What happens when we die?"
Sept. 30 "Why do bad things happen?'
Oct. 7 "How do we know right from wrong?'
Oct 14 "Where are we headed?'
Oct. 21 "How do we live?'

Come join us at the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee
at the corner of Astor and Ogden
Services on Sunday are at 8:45 am, 11 am and 5 pm
We are a welcoming congregation to all LGBTQ people.

Try us, I know you'll like us. A really refreshing change from the rest of organized religion.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Last Comments on Milw Metropolitan Community Church

If they want to survive they must complete the Healing Process

As usual Murphy's Law took effect. No matter how plainly you write or at what level someone will misunderstand it. Over thirty years of Customer Relations and direct contact with customers one thing is certain, they only hear what they want to hear (or read what they want to read) and miss the point entirely. This I think is the case with MMCC when it comes to the healing process.

The healing process follows several steps. The first is the initial shock of an unexpected event for example the sudden death of someone we love or is close to us. We cry and shed tears and grieve over their unexpected passing. Then we celebrate their passing into a supposed better place, Summerland or Heaven or wherever. The next phase is the letting go. Usually this is a gradual process and as memories fade we get on with our lives.

Some people have a hard time letting go and it takes an abnormally long time to do so. Sometimes they just can't and this is where the problem lies with The Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church. They haven't been able or willing to complete the healing process and get on with life. This along with numerous problems is what is stifling any progress they are trying to make. It is my humble opinion that they must complete the healing process if they ever intend to survive. This is the reason I became disenchanted and left. I was elevated to a position where I had the power to initiate change in a progressive and positive way, but this was not to be.

I gave them ample chances to create dialogue by phone, email, and even face to face but they did not do so. For this reason I have come to the conclusion that the minister has no conflict resolution experience and has not taken a positive leadership position in order to resolve the preexisting problems that continue to plague the church. It makes me wonder if she considers this just another job or what?

In the mean time it is my hope that they take these thoughts to heed these suggestions. Otherwise I don't think they will survive. There are many people I will dearly miss and some I won't. In the meantime I have moved on. Back to my UU roots.

Anyone want to join me?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Did you see MMCC's website?

Wonderful Image by the way, Blue hair and all. Actually it is not really Blue, its because they don't know how to adjust the image so that the background doesn't blend into the hair. Although I will admit it would be interesting and somewhat progressive. C'est la vie.

"I am excited about the opportunity to serve the MMCC congregation and the larger Milwaukee community,” Rev. Woodruff said. “My passion is outreach to those who are on the edges of society: the elderly, young Queer folk, people who are differently-abled -- anyone who struggles to be an active, accepted part of society. Christ calls us to reach out to those on the edges and to care for the stranger.”

Don't you mean the Mentally, Spiritually, and Physically messed up? After all those are the only ones who seem to want to walk into the door.

Bulletins Anyone?
Another thing is that they are offering to email the current Bulletin to those wishing to subscribe. The problem I have is that the site is not encrypted. Any information you enter on the form can be harvested by any spammer. Not only that, why do they need your phone number before they email the bulletin out? There are two problems with this. One is that they are harvesting names and information similar to the phishing schemes currently plaguing the Internet and I believe not exactly the most legal thing to do. The other problem concerns the press or other service wishing to obtain legitimate information. Seems to me like they are screening the applicants so that only approved people receive their bulletin. Kinda strange, don't you think? Makes you wonder what they have to hide. Hypocrisy reigns supreme at MMCC seems to me.

More about my reasons for leaving
The other thing that really bothers me is the fact that after I resigned no one so far has ever tried to find out the reasons why. Considering that I was once a Deacon. Only one person called accusing me of attacking them (something that escapes me) and then threatening me to boot after I mentioned in passing that there were still things relating to the late Mr Broyles on the site. I would think that he would be smarter than that, college education and all. These people really need to get a life.

My great disappointment
I was for a time a Deacon but stepped aside because of the feeling that some were becoming Elitist snobs. This I thought would level the playing field somewhat. Obviously not. Later I met with the minister who indicated that she would like to have me take a greater roll in the church. Again all talk and no action. It has been well over three years since the passing of Lew. I thought it was about time that we got on with life and get past the grieving process so I decided to prod therm along a little bit. Scanning down in my blog the result is only too clear. So I decided it was about time I exited stage left and head for greener pastures.

Will I ever be back. That is highly doubtful. Do I think that this church is doomed like Angels of Hope? I guess we will have to wait and see.